**SW ANGELS** mad for march challenge

Ive lost 5lb this week:)
Nannydi (goal 5lb) STS
Chocolatelady (goal 5lb) -0.5lb STS
Angelcake72 (goal 7lb)
TinaT (goal 4lb) -2.5lb +0.5lb -1lb
Claire 1981 -1lb -3lb STS
Mummy2beslim -1lb STS
Sophs (goal 8lb) -1.5lb -3lb STS
Daisydee (goal 14lb) -4.5lb STS
Anwen (goal 4lb) STS
TJ (goal 7lb) -8lb
Rachelina (goal 7lb) -3lb -3lb
PolyAnna (goal 8lb) -1lb -1lb -1lb
Maria (goal 7lb) -2.5lb -2lb -2lb
Kittysmom (goal 7lb) -2lb
Rosinakathleen (goal 10lb) -5lb -3.5lb -3.5lb
Blondie1987 (goal 4lb) -4lb
Txrawl (goal 6lb)
RM07 (goal 2.5lb) -1.5lb -0.5lb -3lb
Toffeegirl -5lb

Team total -26lb -27.5lb -15.5lb 69lb lost in March
STS this week for me Taz, been away on hol and eaten like a complete pig so pretty impressed I've not gained, back on track now though for a good final week in March!!!
guess what!

i'm BACK

put 4.5lb on this week tho lol

Thanks so much Taz for looking after my ANGELS xxx they were in really good hands

i'm in a better state of mind than i have been for ages and i am going back on plan tomorrow!
if it kills me

have driven up to nottingham on my own to see my mum to make sure she is ok and she is
she had a full mri body scan last week so we will hopefully know this week coming if the cancer is anywhere else
(for those that do not know she has secondary lung cancer)
Great to see you back Di, your Angels have been fantastic! Undisturbedgirl is also back and ready to rejoin your team. I have removed any members who have been AWOL for the whole of March so you have a smaller but strong team now.

Hope all is well with you and I have my fingers crossed for your mum x
Welcome Back Nanny Di

I lost 2lb this week

Hi Di

I'm one of your new team members and we haven't spoken before but I just wanted to say I hope the MRI comes back with good results and the cancer hasn't spread anywhere else.
Hello, Nannydi, not spoken before, but just to say hope all goes well with Mum ((XX)).
1lb off for me, please
Welcome back NannyDi, we have missed you and its great your back, even though Taz has been doing a great job xx
Hi Nanny Di welcome back and I do hope your mum has positive news from her scan. Been there with my own dad and will be thinking of you.
This July I will have survived breast cancer for 29 years (I was 26 when I had my mastectomy) and these days there is so much more treatrment available


PS I lost 1.5 lbs this week
1.5lbs off this week :D I was SOTW and SOTM so very pleased with myself.
Nannydi (goal 5lb) STS
Chocolatelady (goal 5lb) -0.5lb STS -1.5lb (-2lb)
Angelcake72 (goal 7lb)
TinaT (goal 4lb) -2.5lb +0.5lb -1lb -1.5lb (-4.5lb)
Claire 1981 -1lb -3lb STS -2lb (-6lb)
Mummy2beslim -1lb STS (-1lb)
Sophs (goal 8lb) -1.5lb -3lb STS -1.5lb (-6lb)
Daisydee (goal 14lb) -4.5lb STS (-4.5lb)
Anwen (goal 4lb) STS
Rachelina (goal 7lb) -3lb -3lb STS (-6lb)
PolyAnna (goal 8lb) -1lb -1lb -1lb (-3lb)
Maria (goal 7lb) -2.5lb -2lb -2lb (6.5lb)
Kittysmom (goal 7lb) -2lb (-2lb)
Rosinakathleen (goal 10lb) -5lb -3.5lb -3.5lb -1lb (-13lb)
Blondie1987 (goal 4lb) -4lb -2lb (-6lb)
Txrawl (goal 6lb)
RM07 (goal 2.5lb) -1.5lb -0.5lb -3lb -1.5lb (-6.5lb)
Toffeegirl -5lb (-5lb)

Team total -26lb -27.5lb -15.5lb -11lb 80lb lost in March
Di, I have just updated for you. March will be a 5 week challenge so still one week left x