SW Food Diary - bikini body

Holiday!!! Been a bit absent the past few days and that's because... I haven t counted syns in the slightest.

Naughty naughty I know and 2lb gain already before I even get to Egypt later. Oops.

I recon I'll be looking at 7lb on when I get back, but will get straight back to it, I'd love to be 3lb under target for my next holiday in September.

No running at all this week. Really sore leg so decided to completely rest on holiday. Swimming only.
Hope you have a great time on your holiday! I have to wait till December for mine!
I think I've possibly put half a stone on already and still a week left! Lol

Enjoying the time off plan but don't half feel bloated from it.

Love to you all!
I think I've possibly put half a stone on already and still a week left! Lol

Enjoying the time off plan but don't half feel bloated from it.

Love to you all!

Haha, I doubt you'll have put half a stone on Jennie, you numpty. If you're bothered about the bloatedness try and stay away from the drink / carbs :giggle: But you're on holiday so just enjoy it! :)
100% enjoying holiday
I love it here - gutted that the end is insight but my body does need a slimming world fix and some good body magic
So weigh-in after holiday has shown a massive gain on my home scales. I'm expecting at least 7lb at weigh-in on Tuesday.

I've also been hopeless at getting on plan, start well and then gave in today to a KFC BBQ wrap snack box... Nom nom.

It was delicious. I'm hoping if I go for a run tomorrow after work, and getting into the routine will help me get back on plan properly. I know what in supposed to do I just need to do it!!!!!

I'm going to stock up on water anyway and hope for the best on Tuesday. I can feel the podge on my belly coming back and my skin is awful!? Never had so many spots!!!
I always find getting back on track after a holiday is the worst! The sooner you do it the better. I also agree with the spot thing . My skin turns awful!

Lots of water fruit and veg and you will pull it back in no time!!
Never mind the gain - did you enjoy every synful moment? Good! It'll soon come off, a run gets my head back in gear, I agree it sounds a plan.

I've now got a nice app on my phone that let's you do a weekly food plan and turns it into a shopping list. It's just called 'food planner'. If you know your main meals it's a good start.
I agree on the run. The first one is so hard though. The next three are great...then I stop again :/

I've decided to leave the running as I'm struggling with walking up and downstairs and having pain down the outside of my left leg...? So it's off to the physio on thursday for a consultation to see if there is a problem or whether i'm just being a wuss and can run through the pain. I'm hoping that I can run after that, as not long until my 10k now really.
Sorry to hear you're in pain :( how was the holiday though? Did you have a great time?

Yes. I had a fab time thanks! Gutted to be home and back to reality.
Having my first full day back on SW today. Finding it quite difficult as craving rubbish. But need to steer clear and get rid of my belly that I seemed to have gained again.
Food Diary

Weetabix x 2 (hexb) and strawberries, peach and blueberries.


Tomatoes, cucumber, carrot and pepper crudites with BBQ pulled pork. Melon and grapes.


Black bean stirfry with pork and noodles (3.5 syns)
Salted caramel (6 syns).
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Food Diary

Weetabix x 2 (hexb) skimmed milk (hexa) Blueberries and strawberries


Roast chicken salad, with ff dressing. Melon and grapes with mullerlight.



It is weigh-in day. So I may treat myself to a glass of wine later. And I might use the jar of curry sauce in the cupboard with some of the roast chicken and mushrooms that I have in for tea... We shall see!!
Sorry I've been SO absent from here lately, just seen your stats, you've done so well! Sorry to hear you've been in pain :(
I'm going to have a proper catch up with your diary later tonight.