Taking the plunge!

ummmmmmmmmmmmm early night im sleeping at the thought loooool!!

I had tuna which is minging but the only thing available :)
I'm just under 500 and not hungry wowwwwww shock loooool......however I am doing next weeks meal plans and shopping list xxx
Iv just had a bath :O altho it wasnt exactly what id call relaxing!!!! What with a 2yr old splashing all over me and my 6mnth old wriggling to get away!! Lol! Good soaps tonight tho so i should be ok......
littlemumma said:
Iv just had a bath :O altho it wasnt exactly what id call relaxing!!!! What with a 2yr old splashing all over me and my 6mnth old wriggling to get away!! Lol! Good soaps tonight tho so i should be ok......

I love a Monday night soap fest :) x
lol! i did go slighty over on my DD, kept picking on broken belvita biscuits! i wish i'd never discovered them, they are so addictive! lovely up day today, making spag bol for me and my parents tonight using a basic recipe i saw on simply italian and using wholemeal pasta, so hopefully not too much should go wrong! x
lumpyandbumpy said:
lol! i did go slighty over on my DD, kept picking on broken belvita biscuits! i wish i'd never discovered them, they are so addictive! lovely up day today, making spag bol for me and my parents tonight using a basic recipe i saw on simply italian and using wholemeal pasta, so hopefully not too much should go wrong! x

Mmmmmmm spag bol!! Tummy rumbles!!!
loooooooooooooooooool i love those belvita things too they are doing a fruit and fibre one and its half price at tesco xxx
yes the mikados are half price at tescos too! i end up buying loads of these when i go but im going through the packs like theres no tomorrow! i use them for up and down days!! xx
umm not tried them..............defo on the list yummmmmmmmmmmm