Little treats are undoubtedly useful for some people who have decided that otherwise they’ll just fall off the wagon in a bigger way. But, and it’s purely my own arrogant opinion, I feel that if you’re going to put yourself and your family through the massive inconvenience of a lengthy diet, then you may as well just get it done as efficiently as you can by sheer willpower and keeping your eye on the prize. I just think we are cheating ourselves otherwise, as well as perpetuating a cycle of self-disappointment and misplaced guilt. However, health is obviously paramount. As I say, I do realise that this is a rather arrogant outlook. I’d never ever think badly of someone ‘cheating’ because they are playing by their own rules so that isn’t really possible, but after reading hundreds of stories on here, it seems to be something that happens repeatedly and I just feel very sad for the person who had been doing so, so well.