Thanks. At work with the first shake of the day. My weekly loss is pretty average at this stage I guess, but in total that's now 31.5lbs since January 1st, of which 16.5lbs has come in just four weeks on Exante. That's 31.5lbs not hanging off my achey back or trudged about on clicky knees.

So it appears that just sticking 100% and doing nothing else seems to deliver a 1st loss per month for nearly everyone, with little physical hunger. Remarkable really. Isn't our biology clever?
Thanks. At work with the first shake of the day. My weekly loss is pretty average at this stage I guess, but in total that's now 31.5lbs since January 1st, of which 16.5lbs has come in just four weeks on Exante. That's 31.5lbs not hanging off my achey back or trudged about on clicky knees.

So it appears that just sticking 100% and doing nothing else seems to deliver a 1st loss per month for nearly everyone, with little physical hunger. Remarkable really. Isn't our biology clever?
Very clever and apparantly brain function is improved in the state of ketosis.
Yes one stone seems to be average across all vlcd which should funny considering the large difference in calories on some other plans. It helps to see how long it's going to take to reach goal x
My goal is 12 pounds lower than it was when I first started in January, and that's mainly due to the fact losses are so regular, predictable and achievable. While I'm in the zone, I want tplough on and get firmly down into the NHS 'healthy weight' category, because I know there will be a significant bounce back moving off plan, even to a good healthy alternative. I also know that I will look a bit weird when I'm done due to lack of decent exercise, so am sure there will be weight gain involved in toning up afterwards too, and sorting out stomach muscles etc. But this will be good weight gain, not eating crap weight gain (which ain't gonna happen again).

I could go a gin though... :)
My goal is 12 pounds lower than it was when I first started in January, and that's mainly due to the fact losses are so regular, predictable and achievable. While I'm in the zone, I want tplough on and get firmly down into the NHS 'healthy weight' category, because I know there will be a significant bounce back moving off plan, even to a good healthy alternative. I also know that I will look a bit weird when I'm done due to lack of decent exercise, so am sure there will be weight gain involved in toning up afterwards too, and sorting out stomach muscles etc. But this will be good weight gain, not eating crap weight gain (which ain't gonna happen again).

I could go a gin though... :)
Always set goal around 8 lb lower so you take into account any water regain the week after. Lol I intend this to be the last time I ever have to lose this much weight. Sick of it all the time. I'm going to change my goal once I've reached June when I go away and get down below the bmi cut off weight. My ideal weight in 9.5 stone. Lowest I got was 10 stone 2. I was a size 8/10. Don't think I'd suit a size 6 lol.
Well done on the 3.5lbs. I’d love to be a healthy weight range. Haven’t been that since I reached 10st at aged ten! I think I’ll probably need a stone of loose skin removed at the end of this. Did anyone see the Lisa Riley programme when she had the surgery? Urghhh. Not sure I could do it. Have a great week.
Yes I realise that I’m very fortunate to be within a couple of stone so won’t mess it up.
By the way, *taps nose* sugar free essential Waitrose diet cola. You ain’t seen me, right?
Feeling good this morning. I've decided that next time I feel like crap I'm going to have an extra half a bar, so have started keeping a couple in the car. Hopefully won't be an issue though. Started my shake day somewhat late, but just had a Lemon Cheesecake Smoothie. Always a safe bet.

I think Lemon is my current favourite, especially because you can have around 400mls water with it if you like, and it still tastes pretty good after a short while in the fridge - I just like a bigger drink if possible, and always put more than the suggested volume of water in.

I think I might have to make a little list of my favourites. Not for any good reason other than I'm waiting for a meeting and this is pretty much all I think about unless I'm occupied with work!

This list will definitely be *edited* as bits of my brain reform and remind me of the flavours I've forgotton...

1. Lemon Cheescake (very nice, creamy, can dilute a lot if you like)
2. Cherries & Berries (v.sweet but fruity, can dilute a lot if you like)
3. Cookies and Cream (v.sweet can dilute a lot if you like, great with additional 100mls of unsweetend almond milk)
4. Cherry Bakewell - yum, as above

5. Vanilla (nice alternative to the more sugary ones, particularly good half/half with unsweetened almond milk)
7. Banana
8. White Chocolate & Raspberry (sweet as heck, but not a bad occasional fix)
9. Choc Orange
10. Strawberry

11. Choc Mint
12. Honeycomb (some of the flavour is pleasant, some a bit plasticky, like drinking out of a brand new unrinsed water bottle)

Not tried yet:
Creamy Coconut
Almond Vanilla
Toffee Caramel
Irish Cream
Best Bitter

Please post your own lists and we can somehow try to discuss the merits or otherwise of magic dust in all of its mysterious forms.
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Well hello there!

Today’s gastronomic fayre comprised:

- Lemon shake
- Cherry Berry shake
- Bakewell shake with extra 100ml unsweetened almond milk.

This evening’s delectation will feature:

- Even more water (7 pints so far)
- A cheap cola from a posh supermarket.
Evening all. Bit of a disaster today!

Arrived at an early meeting without any doses of Exante on me! Arrrg.

Made it until meeting finished at 2pm on just water and coffee. Bejesus.

Drove to the nearest supermarket and bought a crappy Slimfast bar - the only meal replacement I could find.

So that’s all I’ve had today. Just arrived home!

Lemony shake soon...
After a pretty awful day yesterday of tooooo much work and tooooo little in the way of nutrition, everything is back to normal today (hopefully).

It's a three shake day, and it'll begin in about a half hour or so with a plasticky honeycomb thing.

I can reveal that it's literally better than nothing.
Tough day with no packs. Well done for staying on track. Have a great weekend. I love shake days but not honeycomb so much either.
Eeeeevery day is a shake day Whizzy! Solid food is for wimps! ;) (only kidding)

Lemon cheesecake shake for lunch again. Definitely my favourite.

Nobody else seems to have a view on flavours. I'm quite keen to know about the Irish Cream one. Does it taste like non-alcoholic Baileys in anyway whatsoever?

I'm going to have to use up some of the less interesting ones as I go along so that i don;t get left with just those. So it's chocolate mint tonight I reckon. I don't know why I ordered these - leaf mint is zero carb / zero cals anyway, so I could have just added a few diced mint leaves to any shake if that's what I was craving (I'm not).
Another long stint at work. Cherries & Berries teed up as my third and final shake of another very dull but worthy day.
I’ve had 2 hot chocolates using 1 packet, love it that way. Had lemon cheesecake for tea which I think is vile. And my fav is strawberry mixed with ice into a thick shake which I’m currently drinking.
I’m not having a shake for tea. Instead I’m making carbonara. I have added three cubes of frozen spinach and a diced chilli. It is ‘resting’...