ProPoints Tano's back...

Today has been great both food and exercise wise
Scrambled egg n ketchup

1 hour conditioning class

Brazil nuts
Protein shake
Mackerel in mustard sauce, Cous Cous and beetroot
2 squares 90% choc

1 hour gym: running, kettle, abs

Tomato n mozzarella salad with pastrami and pesto
Natural yogurt and honey
Today I have my nephew. Going to take a walk up the shops and then to the park.
Food today:
Porridge n honey

Thai Cous Cous

Dinner: chilli and brown rice

Double gym class tonight = 2 hours :)
Took a walk to the shops then the park and back again. I feel sooooo hungry today. Had a diet coke x
Today so far:

Porridge n honey

Breakfast biscuits
Cous Cous (whole pack)
Just tried on 2 bikinis; one from a surf shop that cost me a fortune and I never wore as it was too small- it fit!!! The other a French connection one that my OH bought me as my first valentines day gift; it fit 12 years ago and fit perfect today. I only wore it in one holiday as since then I've always been too big for it. Result... BUT!!!! I literally have NO boobs, and I mean flat as a pancake... My thighs and bum are horrid too.... Will I ever be happy? :,( x
That's an achievement getting into a bikini that u wore 12 yrs ago! Ur def losing inches with all the exercise! .. I don't think we'll ever be completely happy with our figures. U should n proud at how far you've come tho x x
That's an achievement getting into a bikini that u wore 12 yrs ago! Ur def losing inches with all the exercise! .. I don't think we'll ever be completely happy with our figures. U should n proud at how far you've come tho x x

I definitely am, I've never felt this comfortable (apart from 12 years ago when I was about 8st 13) hahaha but never ate :(
I just hate my lower half! I need some lipo haha x
I definitely am, I've never felt this comfortable (apart from 12 years ago when I was about 8st 13) hahaha but never ate :(
I just hate my lower half! I need some lipo haha x

I don't like much of my body at min, maybe my wrists ;-) .., but I know where ur coming from, hate my bum n legs the most!! X
Just tried on 2 bikinis; one from a surf shop that cost me a fortune and I never wore as it was too small- it fit!!! The other a French connection one that my OH bought me as my first valentines day gift; it fit 12 years ago and fit perfect today. I only wore it in one holiday as since then I've always been too big for it. Result... BUT!!!! I literally have NO boobs, and I mean flat as a pancake... My thighs and bum are horrid too.... Will I ever be happy? :,( x

Well done amazing! Wish my mammory glands would deflate!!! Im the opposite and it is VILE!

I think we'll always find fault in ourselves, you've done so well though x
we will never be happy. But try and focus on blitzing them for ya hols x
Thankyouuuuuuuuu beautiful ladies!

2 hours at the gym done, I am absolutely shattered!!!!! Chilli and rice on the go x