Tano's slimming world diary

Here's tonight's dinner:


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Breakfast as planned, adding 1tsp honey (1syns)
Total= 8 syns today.
If I can get 2lb off this week, I'll get my 1/2 stone award! I'll be happy with any loss but that would be great x
FFS I was so good today then lost my way this afternoon by having 3 Bourbon biscuits, 6 ritz crackers and some sweets :( dinner will remain in plan as will the rest of my week! I can and will pull this back x
Your human hun but I'm sure you can get the results you want still xx

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I'm changing to weekly syns
32.5 syns used today
14 syns used yesterday

46.5/90 syns used
43.5 syns left
I know if I write today off, I'll end up writing the week off :(
Can't afford to do that x
I think the same way. You gotta draw the line and be good other wise more damage can be done x

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Morning :D
Feeling totally back on it this morning, pleased I didn't drag the binge out into the evening; stopped after dinner and didn't eat anything although I quite easily could have!
Red day or extra easy, not quite sure yet and it will depend on lunch.
Breakfast: FF greek yogurt, berries, banana, HEXB porridge and 1 tsp honey (1 syn)

Lunch:?? Possibly fish salad

Dinner: zingy chicken ceaser salad (HEXA Parmesan and dressing (4 syns)
Red day it is!!
HEXB porridge, fruit n ff yogurt honey (1 syn)
HEXA milk

Mackerel n salad (3 syns coleslaw)
HEXB bread n butter (2 syns)

Crab sticks

Chicken ceaser (HEXA cheese) (4 syns dressing)
Fudge piece (2.5)

Total 12.5 syns
Just made a SW quiche and had a slice while I'm waiting for my VERY late dinner grrrrr!!!
Here's dinner :)


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Morning :)
Breakfast: jam on HEXB toast (1 syn)

Lunch: SW quiche
Yogurt (0.5 syn)

Dinner spaghetti Bolognese (3.5)
HEXA cheese

Milk allowance (2 syns)

Total: 7 syns :)