hahaha - not sure about a blast ;-)! It was a holiday with a difference.....never like a proper holiday for us with having to see family, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc......just feels like we never stop to be honest!
Decided we are going on a cruise next year (10 wedding anniversary) so that everything is laid on for us and we dont have to think about anything.
I am lightly tanned

!!!! Having good old Scottish skin means I dont normally tan, but I was determined to get a tan this year and well, yes, I look tanned, alhtough not like you!!!!!
I was glad to get back Tanya....I find it hard that everyone talks in Turkish...as not much of the family talk English, and well, I feel I am alone on holiday....I did learn more words/phrases but I really need to get my act together and get a move on with my Turkish. My OH tries to help, but to be honest, he talks English constantly, that I think he just wants to talk his mother tongue and not have to think...I cant begrudge him that....so, I sit like a little mouse half of the time,,which isnt like me!!!!!!!
Although, in saying that...we had a lovely time in Dalyan and Kusadasi..the weather, like you was in the high 30s and I was able to cope with it this time round...we went on a few trips..did the mud baths..which were FAB!!! Recommend them! Went to Ephesus, which I have wanted to do before but it was always too hot!
Got home to a bit of a disaster with my poor cat! Miscommunication with neighbours and she has been left in our house, UNFED for a week....dont even want to think about it.....she was almost dead when we arrived today!!Not nice at all. She was suppose to be staying at my neighbours that is like her second home, but he was going away for a weekend and my other neighbour was to look after her, but for some reason things didnt seem to work out and well, they didnt talk to each other and she has been locked in....oh, Tanya, I felt so guilty....she is my baby and she is 17..not young at all...as soon as I opened the door I knew something was wrong cause she shouldnt have been there for a start, and I could here her crying but it was such a horrible cry and she couldnt move!!!! She is fine now..I bought her a cooked chicken and fed her and gave her water and she hasnt left my side...she is sat with me now and seems ok.....so, not a good start (with the fall at the airport) and end to the holiday!!!!!!
PHew!!! that was a bit of a post - eh!!!!!!!!!