Tara's SlimFast Diary

I've not updated this for ages :(
I've still been sort of following the plan these last 4 weeks, I haven't been calorie counting and some days I haven't been having any slimfast. The first week I stayed the same, then the next week was my son's birthday then mine 3 days after so I let myself have a bit of a break, only put on 1lb though so was quite pleased with that.
I was pretty good the next week and lost 2lbs and I've lost 1lb this week which isn't bad as had a load of cocktails friday night and a chinese and cake.
I've still been doing my measurements weekly and in the last 4 weeks have lost 4cm off my waist, 3cm off my hips, and 3cm off each thigh. I haven't lost anything off my arms except for 2cm in the third week nothing since:( I was looking at pictures of when I was at my skinniest(around 8 stone and a small size 8) and my arms still look quite chubby then, not sure what I can do to get the weight off there.
I've somehow managed to put on 2cm on my boobs this week too:confused: I hadn't lost anything off them since the third week but no idea how they've managed to get bigger.
So at the moment my boobs are measuring between a 16 and 18, my waist is a 14 and my hips are an 18, size 16 trousers are fitting me just, stretchy ones are fine but jeans look a bit tight over my hips but then are too big on the waist:sigh:
STS last week and 2lbs off this week:bliss:
Not lost any cm's this week though, in fact put on 2cm round my boobs but I think that's because I'm wearing a different bra(at least I hope it is)
I think exercise has made the difference this week, I'm out of the wheelchair now and on to walking sticks. I picked up a second hand cross trainer too and have built up to 15 minutes at a time on it with the resistance turned all the way down and going very slowly. Got another cold starting now and my lungs feel like someones taken a cheese grater to them so don't think I'll get much done this week, will just try and do some strength training instead.
I'm going back to work on Thursday:D Not sure if that will be a good thing or a bad thing for weight loss, we get free fruit so can fill up on that but on the other hand that will leave less time for exercise and will have to try and stay away from the vending machines, it was when I started this job 2 years ago that I put on 2 stone and then pregnancy added the other 2:(
I'm not going to make my goal of getting down to 12st by the time I go back I've got pretty close and only have my self to blame for eating too much crap so not feeling too bad about it. Goal for this week is to drink more water, I think that's why I haven't lost any cm's as I've hardly been drinking so it's probably water rentention.