So I'm back - after being off here for nearly two months, and off the diet for almost the same amount of time, I weighed back in last Thursday at 16st 1lb. Not shocking as entirely expected, but there we are. I've been snooping around on here since last Thursday, reading everyone else's emails and see that plenty are in a similar position to me (i.e. having put on a lot, if not all, of their weight). We should all give ourselves a firm slap on the wrist and a kick up the backside! I am in the zone more now, hence why I feel ready to start posting again.
I was 100% TS Thursday, 70% Friday, 0% Saturday but have been 100% Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and intend to continue with the 100% TS from here on in now that I feel that I'm in ketosis and it's starting to get easier. There's not much going on in January that requires me to eat/drink, only two events and I may even be able to get away with being 100% at one, if not both, of those. February is a bit harder but we shall see. Have the goal of my holiday in Thailand in April to aim for!