Hi Gemma , good news on the interview front. Will keep my fingers crossed that you get it.:fingerscrossed:
If only we could shut ourselves away from any temptation eh. Its good that your family are supportive as 3 celebration meals is going to be tough. However if you manage to stay TS with one tell yourself you can do it again. The other option is to pick low carb & stick to it. Just ask your family to help you out on the day. Whatever you do enjoy yourself x
Well done on staying TS yesterday
You're doing so well. Try to make a desicion on what you're going to do about the weekend. If your family are generally supportive, then maybe tell them before you go, so you don't have to face that bit when u get there, then if u do decide to stay 100% it might make it easier on you. If u don't feel u can stay 100% then try to make the healthiest low carb options. Or, decide that for 2 of meals you will stay 100% and have a healthy meal on the 3rd. It's about making the right choices for you and enjoying the time with your family xx
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You're doing great still BG! and you can do great over the weekend too, you'll feel fantastic for it next week. Hang in there! x