Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Thanks guys. I now have to lose 13lb in the next 4 weeks if I want my spa prize! Don't think that's possible so that makes it 17lb in 8 weeks. Slightly more doable
I do love the spa. I think it will be very satisfying knowing I have earned my trip there. I will have to lose just over 2lb a week so I will have to really be good.

I went shopping this morning a went to my local greengrocers which is a great shop. I got strawberries, raspberries, 4 clementines, 6 large bananas, a bag of red grapes and 2 bags of green grapes. All for just £6.84!!! They also had pineapples 2 for £1 but I didn't get any today.
That's good value Taz
A good bit of shopping there Taz x
Sounds yummy.

Have a great evening. x :D
Not sure 'great' would have described my evening. We were making a wardrobe and it fell on my head! "Ouch" was the word of the moment!

Yesterday afternoon I invested in 3 months supply of Nourkrin. I have to take it every morning and evening and should start seeing results after 3 months. The full treatment takes about 6 months. So hopefully in a few months my patch of alopecia will start to grow hair!!! Wish me luck
What rotten luck - you've certainly been having a bad run lately - hope it changes right away and the nourkin works brilliantly x
Evening all! Well we now have 2 wardrobes built with no more injuries! We still have to finish them off and we have a LOT of crap to sort through in the bedroom as space is at a premium here. I can see a truck going to the local charity shop after that sort out!!!
You can come over here and sort mine out after if you like Taz x
Oh no Gem! I've barely got the time to sort this lot out! I'm hoping we can finish the wardrobes this evening but I won't get home til half 5 so I might be too tired to do it then. I am working all week then off to Birmingham early Saturday morning for the weekend so I won't have any time here til next week!

I think I will have my porridge before I go to work this morning as I'm not leaving til about 7.30am. I also have a bowl ful of fruit (raspberries, strawberries, red and green grapes) covered over with strawberry fat free Onken bio yogurt which I will have on my way to Cardiff. Yummmmmmm.

Scales are being much more friendly despite my chow mein last night (although I think it's only about 5 Syns anyway) and I am really enjoying my healthy stuff so I am hoping for losses on Tuesday and Friday.

Have a good Sunday everyone
Well at the moment I am the same as both WI days as last week but I have no plans to indulge so I am hoping to get at least 2lb off this week at both WI's.
As long as I don't get lazy! I just need to keep the fresh stuff stocked up. It's a bit difficult here with everything all over the place but I am trying to work around it. I can't use the house situation as an excuse, I need to lose the weight!
I downloaded the Libra app on my phone so I put my EXACT weight in every morning so I can see the way I fluctuate through the week but I am also very mindful of my weight every day