Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Hiya Taz, how did you get on tonight? Now, I know you'll have your reasons but if you are more worried about Friday's weigh in, why are you spending money out to get weighed on a Tuesday too?
This is a very good question!I went back because a new group had started and Elf wanted to join so we decided to go together. I really like the group and the SWC is great. I am finding that having 2 WI's a week is stopping me from going off track completely. If it gets to the stage where I'm just not losing at all then I will stop going.
Morning all. It was a half lb gain last night but I am still hoping to turn that into a loss by Friday, even if it's only 1lb. I have middle of the day jobs this week, starting at 10am finishing at 7pm. Not too bad apart from having to go to cheltenham 6 times in 3 days!!!
Taz - when you have your loss on Friday it SHOULD translate into a loss next Tuesday too x
Yes that's what I'm hoping Gem. I don't have anything on this weekend so I should definately lose next week
Morning taz love
any plans for today Taz?
I think the plan was work, work and more work Jim x
Morning Taz - have a great day and don't work too hard x
Working too hard is not really an option Gem! I have the same job today and tomorrow as I had yesterday and I have to say, I like it! It's a fairly relaxed job even with the Cheltenham races on! It makes a nice change to have a lie in and still have an evening when I get home.

Last night we picked our new paint for our walls. Looks like it will be all change in our lounge when this damn leak is fixed!

I might just scrape a 1lb loss tomorrow. It's going way too slowly for my liking though
Morning Taz, nice and relaxed sounds good to me :)
I did have to call the police once yesterday but that was no drama. It's St Patricks day today though and with 2 trips to Cheltenham it could be interesting!
Hope the day is going well and you don't have any problems x
Hope you've had a good day. x :)
Morning all! Well I walked to work yesterday and felt great when I got there. I planned on doing the same today but I am really stiff in my back and the tops of my legs. I would ride my bike but I don't know where the lock is and there's nowhere safe at work to leave it unlocked :( I'm quite disappointed. I've lost 1lb this week. Nothing much to celebrate
Nothing much to celebrate??? You're alive and well, you weigh 1lb less than last week, you've made a start on exercising by walking to work. Your body will get used to it and you will stop being sore and achey. How long did it take you?