Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Your lounge looks lovely - good luck with the bedroom x
Hope you've had a good day.

How's the "bathroom v holiday" dilemma going? Come to a decision yet?

Have a good evening. x :)
Thanks everyone, Gem I am pleased to say that the lounge is still just as you saw it on the day of completion! The only difference is the washing drying in the corner but I am hoping we can eventually move that into the bedroom.

There is still so much to sort out in the bedroom. So far we have sent about 3 bin-liners of stuff to charity but there is so much more in there. When we were doing the lounge EVERYTHING went into the bedroom and I was adamant that it wasn't coming back out of there until it was sorted and had places to go! So it's quite a cluttered mess in there. So far I have bought new curtains, 2 bedside rugs, 2 new sets of bedding (all the old stuff is going to charity) a throw and matching cushions. It's all cosmetic and matches/compliments the existing colour scheme in there. I think it may be a few weeks before it's finished.

The holiday is winning Jools! Mr Taz won't budge and although I se his point I am totally in the 'home' zone at the moment and desperate to get this place up together. I guess the rest will have to wait :(
It'd be Bathroom over holiday for me Taz, you're in the bathroom every day. Morning!
I'd love to see picks of your newly decorated room. Good luck with continuing to organize and send stuff away; having moved around several times in my life and having to spruce up the house to do so, my family and I can relate!
It'd be Bathroom over holiday for me Taz, you're in the bathroom every day. Morning!
Yeah that was my thought as ours is quite depressing to be in!
Good Morning my lovely...
How are you sweetheart? xx
I'm very good thanks hun x
I'd love to see picks of your newly decorated room. Good luck with continuing to organize and send stuff away; having moved around several times in my life and having to spruce up the house to do so, my family and I can relate!
When it is 'done' I will take a few snaps and put on here. The sorting is on hold til after the wekend as all the ebay selling finishes on Friday so all the 'stuff' should go then
Evenin' Taz x
Evening Gem x
Morning all! Well I was aiming for a 2lb loss at Fat Farm last night and I got 2.5lb off! Happy with that and hoping for at least 2lb loss to report on Friday.

I have to find a way of getting my freezer emptied and defrosted by Friday without losing all the stuff that's in it! That will be fun :s I have at least 2 things sold on ebay which, when they are collected, will make a big difference here as they are being stored and taking up room. I have 4 boxes that are also being stored and they contain things for the bathroom, another reason I want to get it sorted out sooner rather than later. One of them is our shower screen which I'm hoping my day will put up for us very soon as that can be done before we 'do' the bathroom and that will get that box out the way and save the bathroom from getting soaked everytime we shower!

I just want it all finished so we can just relax here. My thoughts seem totally consumed with this place at the moment and I have one room that I love, one room that i'm starting to like a lot and will love when done and 2 more that just depress me and make me not want to go into them! Now if I could just win 1k on the lottery tonight, that would make me a happy bunny...
Morning Taz love, how's things?
Hi Taz - you are doing so well with your weightloss - you should be proud of yourself x
Well done on your loss, but why are planning on gaining some before Friday? :confused:

Have a great evening. x :)
Didn't think so. I just read your post as a 2.5lb loss last night so hoping for 2lb loss Friday (ie gaining 0.5lbs!!). I thought you probably meant an extra 2lbs by Friday. x ;)
Ahhhh allow me to clarify: I weigh at the fat farm on a tuesday and that loss is Tuesday-Tuesday on their scales. On a Friday it's my 'official' WI and that's Friday-Friday on my scales.
Nothing like a good bit of Taz confusion is there x