Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Gosh those little poundages need a good talking to and a kick up the a**e. The loss will be all the better when it comes - it will be like starting over but with less to lose x
I just feel like giving up at the moment. It's barely moved all year and it's quite frustrating. I can't physically do more than I am so I really don't know where to go from here. It's just so annoying :(
Taz - don't give up - I am sure your body is adjusting to the amazing weightloss you have had already. The best thing I can suggest is to change your eating pattern a little and give your body something different to work with - It may be the boost it needs. The other thing you can do is look at portion size and snacking - sometimes we creep into old habits without noticing and it can be surprising how it creeps up on us. Look not only at having too much, also too little and the wrong things. Look at your sugar intake too - it really does put on "sticky" weight - a different sort of fat cell. I hope the scales move for you soon x
I have tried all that. I changed my eating pattern and I am having personal training sessions. But I think I may have found what the problem could be. Last year I had my thyroid checked and it was slightly under active, a level they call 'sub clinical' which means they wont treat it but needs yearly checks. I had already requested that they check it again as I had a feeling that the levels had moved into the area they shouldn't be. I had blood taken yesterday and will know next Friday if my hunch is correct but when I checked the symptoms of an under active thyroid yesterday I have quite a lot of them!
Roll on next week - then you will know either way. Glad you're keeping your finger on the button Taz x
I saw my chiropractor on Friday (not an appointment, just bumped into her) and mentioned about my thyroid. She asked me a load of questions and said it definitely indicates a thyroid problem. But I did a bit of research yesterday and found something rather interesting. Apparently one of the main causes of an underactive thyroid is toxins in the body, often caused by things like pesticides. But there is another way these toxins become present..... Fat loss!!! So, perverted as it is, it seems that possibly the weight I lost last year may have released the toxins messing up my thyroid and preventing further weight loss! So I am hoping I can get some answers on Friday
That does indeed sound interesting Taz - some thought needed on that one x
Well it's all very confusing. I called today to see if my results were in and they are with a note that I need to speak with my doctor within a month, not urgently. So I asked if they could tell me what the levels were and they were similar to my last test which would mean I am still at a level they won't treat even though it's outside the normal range. My thyroid isn't functioning properly but they won't treat it. But of course I have to wait til the doctor calls me to be told that officially.

The scales don't seem to have moved much at all this year but I am getting more and more comments from people saying I look like I have lost weight. I don't know if these are just people who haven't seen me for a while and only just noticed or if they noticed before but didn't want to mention it. But it does make me wonder if I am losing something that's not showing on the scales
That is totally possible Taz. You are working hard at work, in the gym and in the pool, so developing muscle (which as we know is heavier than fat. You have lost loads which means the body has to adjust. This is probably just a phase you are going through and no doubt weightloss will resume in due course if you resolve not to lose heart. It is possible that the weightloss at this stage will start to slow down as you don't have as much to lose as you did before. Keep the faith and enjoy the fact that you have already done your body a power of good and more will follow x
​Managed to shift a lb this week. Had a great workout with our favourite Aqua instructor last night so that probably helped.