TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

Hey there lovely ladies (see positive!! :p)
Don't know how to put a link to the site to show you my coat? So I'll just tell you where to look!! :) I got it from additions its called "tulip hem coat" catalogue num is VL6041A!
Had my weigh in 3lbs gone which is ok and now on my 810 week, think i'll be fine cos i've done ss+ before but the protein portions are much bigger! I'm not great at drinking milk either but my cd said i could have 0% total or greek yoghurt instead! I'll see how i go!!
Liking the positivity baby!! :)
Wishing you luck for wi tomorrow elay!
How is everyone else doing? xxx
Hi everyone....

Hope you've all been having a good day!?

Glitter the coat is gorgeous!!! Just perfect for the Autumn weather!

Am looking forward to my bed tonight, have had a busy non-stop day today and am now suffering with a big big big headache!! If anyones about later, would be good to have a bit of a natter!

good evening all, :D
glitter well done on the 3lbs loss hun.
(lol my son just looked at what im typing and said ' urgh, thats a very ill smily face' meaning the :D, lol)
im feeling much much better
doctor has now put me on docusate sodium capsules in the hope that constipation can be kept at bay from now on . not being too graphic it is a softener and a muscle contractor. here's hoping it helps.
we had one hell of a night last night. son and future daughter in law told her mother she is moving in here on friday and the poor woman was completely deflated by the news. i felt so bad for her.
i wanted to make this a little easier if possible ( as both are not even 18 yet) so i suggested that perhaps she should move in BUT for the next few months or so maybe they should spend 4 days here and then 3 days at her mums. this seemed to go down much better and at least her mum can gradually get used to her not being around so much.
it was such a difficult night. i spent most the night crying but in the end the air was much clearer and i didnt feel so bad and her mum definately felt better.
funny how usually a moment like that would definately lead to me bingeing for comfort and yet i managed to get through ok. sometimes i surprise myself:).
so Kerrie is moving in on friday.
She had an appointment with midwife yesterday and got her due date..... 16th May. im so excited.
We have tried for a baby for 12 years now and have all but given up hope. in the last few years i have kinda avoided baby situations but obviously this will be my grandchild, someone im allowed to spoil AND give them back at the end of the day :D
Wow Cheryl sounds like things are going much better for you now, thats really great.
Glitter well done on your 3lbs and the coat is totally gorge!!! I dont need a coat....... I don't need a coat....... I don't need a coat....... If I say it enough times I'll have to believe it :rolleyes:
Elay well done on your 100% day today. I'm just about to have my bar, well a quarter of 4 different bars mixed up and straight from the fridge. Its almost yummy :D

Well so far so good and feeling grrreat!!! I am sorrry to hear some ofyou are struggleing so i am here to pass some positive vibes to all my lovely CD friends

We are all determined and capable of losing this weight so lets kick oursleves up the arse and do it together as 1 BIG team!!! :) :) :)

Im off running tonight and have been doing my Davina dvd. Lost 2 lb already so cant wait for Tuesday WI. I am oging out for a meal on SAturday with hubby but will look at healthly options

Hope you all have a great day xxx
vibes gratefully received, thanx hun xx
I probably wont be on again today as I'm off to Bingo tonighty (unless I come in early) - my luck is due a change!!! Hope you all have a lovely day. Speak to you skinny girlys soon xx
Hiya.... :wavey::wavey::wavey::wavey: (especially for you Dione xx)

Well I've got back from my WI and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, seeing I've not stuck to it for near enough 2 weeks! I put on 3lb.... I'm actually quite positive about it as I said previously I can actually see where those extra lbs have gone and it has made me more determined to shift it all!!

Sorry just watching some freak woman on this morning who has loads of plastic surgery on her face to look like neferttiti (sp?) Egyptian queen..... she looks bloody awful!! At least all we have to do is loose weight!!

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day xxx

Ooooooo trying desperatly to post from my phone!! Tried last night and it wouldn't let me :(
But I'm still on my smiley vibe. Oooo thanks for the extra happy vibes xoxox.
Well today I'm surrounded by 'hormones' and that's the men!!! But I'm determined to be happy happy happy.

Got WI tonight so will let you know the good news later (fingers glued crossed)
gl with the weigh in baby.
hope all are doing fine today.
good news elay about the smaller gain. u will soon get that off and more as a bonus :).
have a good afternoon everyone.
Hey ladies I'm back but this time I have VA VA VOOM!!!!:D
I'm getting over my cold (or whatever the hell that was!) and something in my head has clicked this afternoon while I was at work (ssshhh don't tell my boss I had my mind of other things!:p).
I've finally got my head back in the game as I've basically maintained my weight for the last year but have spend £100s on CD products...not good, or cheap! I know I don't want to carry on at this weight and I know I definately want most of it gone by the time I turn 30 in December!
My CDC thinks I'll be a great CDC and is dying to sponser me so the only thing stopping all this from happening is me!:mad:
I've got so much to look forward to when I lose all my weight and I can't for the life of me think of a genuinely good reason why I'm sabotaging myself...SO...I'm standing up to myself and saying more picking, no more fat, no more big Kelly...I've had enough and it's going to stop right now!!!:D
Who's with me????;)

Ooooooooo I'm with you. Well WI result was 1lb off. Well better then I expected after the minger of a week I've had.
Tonight is darts presentation. Loads of women dressed up to the nines (never understood that phrase) and me in baggy jeans, strippy jumper and ugg boots. One of our team just took a picture of me and I look like a massive mint humbug sweet!!! I kid you not. If I'm lucky they won't get on face book.

Just seeing that picture has strenghtened my resolve to loose this weight.
I did have a chat with my CDC tonight about my goal. She is worried that aiming for 10 stone may be too much for me and she wants me to set a smaller goal of 12 and a half stone. She wants me to maintain that for a few months then maybe look and loseing more if I still want to. To be honest when she suggested it I was mortified, did she not think I was commited to CD. But in the reality of the day I think she is right. What do you all think?
Oh you did make me laugh with the humbug comment and I think everyone will agree that we MUST see the photo as proof as we don't believe you!:p:D
How tall are you baby hun? I'd need to know what you'd be from a BMI point of view before I could comment to be honest.
Well done on your 1lb a loss is still a loss after all.
good morning all,:)

well done baby on the weight loss. all going in the right direction. :D
hope we all have a wonderful waterfilled day with no grumbly tummies:)
im off to do grocery shopping today so got to stay strong. i always find grocery shopping a bit of a tease, especially when i smell the tiger bread but i can do it :)
HI Guys,

Quick one from me as at work :)

Hope you are all ok xxxx

Well last night i went for a 25 mile run with a colleague, it killed me but today i feel great and will be doing the same tonight. Hubby is taking me out tomorrow night to say thank you for putting up with him working away bless him. Just the 2 of us as mum having kids over night I cant wait :) xxx
Morning ladies. Oooooo what a wonderfull morning. Oooooo what a beautiful day. I've got a wonderful feeling everythings coming my way!!!

I'm in a very cheerful mood today. WHY? I hear you cry at your screens. Well let me tell you my little tresures. I have put on a new work uniform (that wasn't bought for me,may I add) its not 1, not even 2 sizes smaller its 3 sizes smaller on the top and a wopping 4 sizes smaller on the bottom. WOW!!!! So I've gone from a size XXL on the top and bottom to a L on top and a M on the bottom.
To top it off a patient that I've known for years came in at 9 and was chattin to me for a few mins before asking 'where's anne today?' 'Errm your talking to me!!' His chin nearly hit the floor he didn't recognise me. He was very sweet and said it was coz I've changed my hair colour and that I looked fab!!!
With coments like that today I'm really spurred on.
How's everyone else doing today?

I'm real sorry if it double posts again. I'm on my phone again!!
Morning all, glad we're all a bit more positive! Elay join the 3lbs on club, but i am surprisingly chilled out about it too!
Baby TBH unless you are fairly tall that seems like an awful long way from your original target. Your CDC isn't trying to make you stay on plan longer is she (sorry sometimes I'm too cynical for my own good!) If you want to get to 10st I don't see the point in trying to maintain at 12.5st, it will just slow your losses down. !0st is obviously a healthy BMI for you otherwise you wouldn't have been allowed to set it as target. I think you should do what you want and although you should be guided by the CDC don't let her tell you what to do, IYKWIM.
Well done on the shrinking and the positive comments too. feels great and really motivational doesn't it?
Sorry for rambling.
Dione 25 miles. Jesus girl thats commitment :D Well done, bet those scales wil shift this week!
Kelly i'm gonna join your "focus group" :8855:
My weight seems to be staying the same the last day or so. Must stop scale hopping :p
Hope you all have a lovely day, be back later xx
Vicki I do kind of know where your coming from with the goal thing. It pains me to say it but I am a 'strong' build IYKWIM and even I have to admit that I could look pretty gaunt at 10 stone. I kind of think that maybe 12 would be a nice place to hold at for christmas and new year ( I should make it there in time for party season). And enjoy it for a while. My CDC isn't really about keeping me on plan, she has experience of how hard it is to maintain. She lost over 13 stone and got to under 10 and found it really hard to maintain (felt she couldn't eat anything)
But like I said I've not decided yet!!! I'm gonna think about it a bit longer
Baby the most important thing is tht its your decision. if 12 feels right for an interim goal, go for it, and then reassess when your there. It will then give you a chance to see how maintenance works for you. You know your body best :D