Don't worry about it hun at least you knew what to expect before you went in there. It's when you think you've lost and find out you actually haven't when it really bums you out!well, as i suspected, i stayed the same this week....
not gonna let it get me too down as it is totm (sometimes i hate being a woman, lol)
all i can do is try and make up for it over the next week (sigh). need to up my fluids as well as i know im not drinking enough at the moment. its just too bloody cold to be glugging water all day.
well done on the loss mooee
Your CDC is being very naughty if they are incouraging you to drop a pack on anything under the 1000cal plan as that is NOT CD rules! If they are found to be telling their clients that they will be fired!Hi All,
Well done on all the exercise Mooee! You will have to really good if you want santa to bring you a Wii fit! lol
I really must start using my Wii fit again. The only problem is the more exercise I do the more I want to eat!
I took my dog out for a long walk earlier and I am starving now. I have had 1 shake and a cup of boullion plus endless cups of black coffee. Will have my soup in a minute. (I try and have all my packs as late as possible as the evenings are my worse time, so don't have my first one til lunchtime).
With reference to having all your packs, my CDC told me that I could do ss+ but drop 1 of my packs to keep the caloires down. Just goes to show we all get told different things (I did have my 3rd pack yesturday).
You're taking it completely wrong Glitter I'm angry about the lack of care a lot of CDC's seem to take when it comes to informing their clients about the diet. It's not telling you off at all and I'm actually really saddened that you've taken it that way and I apologise I've made you feel that way. It's irrisponsible (sp?) CDC's that have put my nose out of join not you hun. If you read what was said between me and mooee you'll see it was actually a very light hearted jokey conversation with some correct info thrown in and not a telling off at all.I don't want to turn this into a witch hunt but I completley agree with everything Mooee has put.
I was excited about joining a team for the added support that it should give but thats not what is happening.
I'm sure it is all ment as advise but is coming across as a 'telling off'.