Hi everyone,
Its me, he he. God, I did a little chuckle, I must be feeling OK. Just an update on whats going on with me, I will try not to bore you too much. I am on day 4 and feeling normal. Days 1 & 2 were the worst, headaches, feeling sick and a general feeling of not being with it. But that actually passed yesterday on day 3. I am in ketosis as I done a test and it went dark pink thats probably why I feel much better.
So its forward and upwards from here.
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Misscheeky what a fantastic loss 8lbs :happy096: you go girl, you must be soooo proud of yourself. I hope you have a fantastic holiday. Where are you going anywhere nice? Ops have you gone already?
Kellymundy you cheated and still lost 5lbs,:busted: I am jealous :jelous: cos I know I would not get away with it, but good on you for losing 5lbs thats really great loss.
I also post with the Shrinking stones, I hope this isn't a problem as they are not an official CD team. I like them as they are nuts lol.
Have a good Sunday in the lovely warm sun. Dontcha just feel so much better when the sun is shining?