Welcome to all the newcomers

exits are to your left...

Lol I'd make a good trolley dolly!!
Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm lastnight, I was far too tired and annoyed. Our neighbours are the most distrespectful chavs I've ever come across. They sometimes START their parties at 2am in the room next to our bedroom so I get woken up by the loudest chav bass music and then they park all over the shared drive blocking us in and then having a go at us or even refusing to move if we ask them. And they are constantly smoking drugs in the front garden, sometimes I feel like I'm getting high just putting the washing out. My poor rabbit is probably addicted!!!
I'm not one of these people who are totally against drugs, I tried some in my younger days, but not around children!!! They have 2 under 9s and they have their cans of special brew and there joints on the go at 11 in the morning while watching the kids in the garden. It's like, what the hell are they doing?!? If there music is loud to us through a concrete wall, what must it be like for the kids!!
I have complained to the council many times, and the police, their music gets so loud that literally I can feel the bass line in my chest. But nothing has been done. A few letters were sent out and they stopped for a while but it's started up again. I love our house but they really spoil it for me
So lastnight I jammed some earplugs in, put the subtitles on the telly and fell asleep on the sofa. I have woken at 6 to the sound of Robbie, one of my cats, howling at something. Probably another cat. So now I am up. I am going to do the housework, have a shower and make the most of this glorious weather by mowing the lawn very early because I can. So shove that up your keester you noisy hungover d*ckwads!!!!!!

ha! X
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