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The Christmas ticker seemed a great idea so I jumped on the bandwagon! Just spent ages looking for something suitably Christmassy, its a shame you cant burn calories by mindlessly trawling the internet.
Hope you all have a great day, I am off work today so avoiding the kitchen cupboards, off to Sainsburys shortly to get some fruit and veg and a nice salad for lunch.
toxicgrl - you asked earlier what diet I am doing, I'm on slimming world. I've never done it before, previously tried weight watchers and did lose quite a bit of weight but got disheartened by a not very nice leader and quite unfriendly group. Did calorie counting for a while then decided to give slimming world a go and loving it so far. My nemesis is bread and by cutting down to two slices a day at most I have lost 10lb in my first two weeks, I have a feeling the next 10 wont be so easy to shift!
Cant believe the group total lossThat's great
Oooh Im going to do a ticker for our xmas challenge if that's ok? xx
Morning everyone. Am I too late to join the crew?
Morning gang! love the tickers, will make one up tooJust back from 2 mile walk with dog. planning to go again later on
Have a good day all xx
Yep. 50lbs is good 4 me. This is a good challenge because we all wanna look good for Xmas time.I wanna b able to give out prezzies this year being fit n fabulous
I'm loving this group and challenge, i really do feel like it'll help to keep me motivated!
I've just been round the park with the dogs, felt like I'd walked loads but gutted to realise it was only 1.22 miles! Had to come back coz the dogs were shattered from playing fetch, they lay down and refused to carry on lol! So leslie sansone for me, then some lunch, then shopping for my baby niece who is due next month! I have my sister in laws baby shower on Saturday so off to buy some gifts.
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Heya Lou, it's Henny