Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

Hi Girls,

Glad to see ya's, I'm having a wee bit of a struggle with me chatterbox (thats the tormenting little voice in the head, that demands food no matter what) so far I'm winning, I've cracked an emergency can of Diet Coke (caffeine free) open and I think I'm past the worse.

Wow Shadaca, those interviews went real well. I must be getting old cuz I don't understand the other bits, mammoths, gringos etc

SAC, wow to deciding to become a property investor, boys oh boys this is my second house (sold the 1st one to buy this one) and I can honestly say those two transactions where the most stressful experiences of my life :giggle:
Chalack - that's awesome news hun. You don't need to be in ketosis to lose weight it just helps to not be hungry. Also ketosis means your body is definitely peeing out fat but it doesn't mean it's not getting rid of water and other bits and bobs (and fat too!) if you're not in ketosis.... so it's alllllllllllll good hun! I had 3 bars yesterday which I know is a big no-no. Decided not to get bars again when my CDC is back... I'm spending the evening getting my motivation back and working out why I want this so bad that I'm avoiding all these social things.

I've decided to buy a house to let and become a property investor.... ambitious I know but figuring out the hows should keep my mind off the cookies!

Have a fab weekend DD - see you next week.

BBlilsis - I'm a little confused by the captain janeway thingy too - I suspect we have a closet nerd in our midst - She looks a bit star trekky!

Shadaca..... come on fess up, do you spend your days watching reruns of star trek?! Hope your interviews went fab today - I'm sure they did and can't wait to hear all about it.

OK well i'm off to work on my finances.

Hey thanks for that i was abit confused lol i thought my scales might have not been workin right lol. Its funny you mentioned about buying propertys to let because i have been thinking about doin the same thing for awhile now.
I must be getting old cuz I don't understand the other bits, mammoths, gringos etc

Just for you guys...




You'll have to wait to see the keegans!
Just for you guys...




You'll have to wait to see the keegans!

:giggle: Whoo I'm not old after all, I just bought myself a pair of red crocs two weeks ago, granted they're not furred lined, and those boots are my favs as well, I always wear them...

Boy I should go to bed, I'm online more hours than I care to admit these days :p
See - I just have to keep up with your trends!

Sweet dreams guys, I'm a sleepy soggy stage manager.

Hey BBlilsis - I hope you've managed to have a stern chat with your little miss chatterbox :blahblah:

I'm back on track again. Did some meditation last night and firmly mentally back on shakes SS for the next 7 weeks (off on 2 week hols at that point)The bars and porridge are just distractions for me I've decided so not going to have them again.

My verdict on the porridge is that it's fine with some tweaking but to be honest I like my porridge from oats and that's that. I will wait till refeed to have them properly again and in the right portions.

I think if you're on this diet for a year or so it's a good addition to the diet but I'm hoping to have reached (ultimate) goal by December (with 2 weeks semi-off diet oct/nov). So that's that.

More than happy to post you girls some porridge if you still can't get it in the next 2 weeks (once CDC is back)- let me know if you wanna try.

Shadaca - those crocs are hilarious - I bet they are very comfy and perfect for your job - lucky you. I have to wear heals or wedges to work (ok no-ones forcing me but my clothes look better with them!)

The Gingos are what I call windsor smiths and I had some in my early twenties. I practically lived in them for 2 years... it was a love affair :)

OK essay over - hope everyone is happy campers today. I'm property hunting!
Morning folks!!! happy Saturday. I've still not heard from the first interview - but I really hope I get it.

Shadaca - those crocs are hilarious - I bet they are very comfy and perfect for your job

They are incredibly comfy - but I could never wear them at work, I'd have to eject myself from the theatre! Usually I wear steelies, or on lighter shows where I don't get squished then reinforced hikers. It can be dangerous backstage if you are unprepared. I'd love to be able to wear my slippers though-how cool would that be?!

Tommorrow I am going to play with doggies in epping forest - really looking forward to it, but today I have to nuckle down and tidy.

My scales are being poo - haven't lost anything since wed, and I've been SOOO good. I even went to pattisserie valerie yesterday and had a sparkling water! Just by doing that I should have lost about 2 stone.

So this house buying thing - I've recently decided buying is the way forward. It's just where how when etc.
Hey BBlilsis - I hope you've managed to have a stern chat with your little miss chatterbox :blahblah:

Nope, sad to report that I can't stop :blahblah: when it starts, and boy did I spend hours doing everything I could think of to shut it up. Long story short, I had a small protein meal last night, I've regained 1/2lb (which is nothing) and I'm back in the Pink this morning. I think I'm going to have to accept that maybe SS+ is the way forward for me, well a mixture of SS and SS+ and to not beat myself up over it. I'm on day 68 and I want to continue loosing, so I don't want to give up, so accepting SS+ is my best option

I'm back on track again. Did some meditation last night and firmly mentally back on shakes SS for the next 7 weeks (off on 2 week hols at that point)The bars and porridge are just distractions for me I've decided so not going to have them again.

My verdict on the porridge is that it's fine with some tweaking but to be honest I like my porridge from oats and that's that. I will wait till refeed to have them properly again and in the right portions.

Wow, I'd be lost without the bars, we haven't got the porridge over here, but my pal is sending me some to sample from the UK,,,but from what I've seen on here I'm not hopeful of them being delicious :p like you've said I think I'll wait to return to my own favourite porridge oats.

I think if you're on this diet for a year or so it's a good addition to the diet but I'm hoping to have reached (ultimate) goal by December (with 2 weeks semi-off diet oct/nov). So that's that.

I really wish you well on this goal....sending ya strength :vibes:
OK essay over - hope everyone is happy campers today. I'm property hunting!

Good luck with the property hunting, are you an online hunter or out in the real world trawling the streets, the weather over here is pants today, so i'd be a online hunter :p
Morning folks!!! happy Saturday. I've still not heard from the first interview - but I really hope I get it.

Boy oh Boys, I hope ya get it too, are ya allowed say where its for, or would that be tempting fate....have you ever gotten to work with any famous people in theatre, or do they keep there distance from the staff.

They are incredibly comfy - but I could never wear them at work, I'd have to eject myself from the theatre! Usually I wear steelies, or on lighter shows where I don't get squished then reinforced hikers. It can be dangerous backstage if you are unprepared. I'd love to be able to wear my slippers though-how cool would that be?!
I work in an office and whilst certain departments dress all formal, heels, dresses etc, I work with engineers so we all wear jeans, polo shirts, and I wear my crocs and trainers to work...(I'd love to be a girly girl, maybe when I get to goal and feel pretty in a dress, I'll shock the lot of them)
Tommorrow I am going to play with doggies in epping forest - really looking forward to it, but today I have to nuckle down and tidy.
OHH tell me more, I love dogs, what type dogs are you going with, mmmm tidying, I fool myself by doing a tiny bit at a time (bit like the weightloss :giggle:)

My scales are being poo - haven't lost anything since wed, and I've been SOOO good. I even went to pattisserie valerie yesterday and had a sparkling water! Just by doing that I should have lost about 2 stone.
your so right, that visit must have at least earned you a stone loss for sure,,,,hang tight, your body will release its stores any day now, in one big SWOOSH :giggle:

So this house buying thing - I've recently decided buying is the way forward. It's just where how when etc.

Big decisions.....make sure ya get it right first time, cuz First Time Buyers get all the breaks, tax reliefs, no stamp duties, boy I got crippled when I went for second house, but I chose the wrong area first time.....alas we live and learn :p

I gotta bring my dogs to the vets now, the little one was put on a diet 4weeks ago, and bless her its her weigh in morning. She was 3.5kilos (7.7lbs) last time, but Vet wants her to lose a kilo :eek:, she was perfect all month, but just once, my other dog didn't finish his meal, and she had it wolfed into her before I realised what had happened :giggle:, aww shes just like her mammy (me:giggle:)

I'll be back later to update on her loss :p
How's your pup doing? Is she on the team too? What flavour is she? she sounds tinycute.

It's for a show that involves fish. And tinned meat products. And flying cows.

Yes - I've worked with a few famous people, they don't really keep themselves to themselves, we are all a team at work and just get on with it really, shows to be done and all.

Alaskan malamutes in the forest, and probably one gsdxrottie who thinks he is a mal, and possibly a few sibes. Should be fun.

The whole house thing is that for my 30th my present to myself is going to be a puppy-meaning that I have to be in a position to have one by then!

So - stable job, cat, house, possibly a rich man (but probably not the hoff) and a garden and a car.

So far I have the cat.

What do normal people do in the evenings? I just want to eat :S
Big decisions.....make sure ya get it right first time, cuz First Time Buyers get all the breaks, tax reliefs, no stamp duties, boy I got crippled when I went for second house, but I chose the wrong area first time.....alas we live and learn :p

Yeah it's kind of a good time at the mo, I'm really a bit stumped on areas but it ain't gonna be London that's for sure! Probably not for the first 5 or so. Won't be buying anything to live in as such till next year maybe.... gosh I sound like I'm rolling in it don't I ;) Just met some dynamic people and looking at some interesting options so will keep you all posted.

I gotta bring my dogs to the vets now, the little one was put on a diet 4weeks ago, and bless her its her weigh in morning. She was 3.5kilos (7.7lbs) last time, but Vet wants her to lose a kilo :eek:, she was perfect all month, but just once, my other dog didn't finish his meal, and she had it wolfed into her before I realised what had happened :giggle:, aww shes just like her mammy (me:giggle:)

I'll be back later to update on her loss :p

Awww how sweet, I wish I could get a dog but just not in a position to just yet. We should make her our team mascot :p
How's your pup doing? Is she on the team too? What flavour is she? she sounds tinycute.

Maybe we should have her on our team, cuz in 4 weeks shes lost 8.57% of her weight, so that beats me hands down :giggle:, shes not a puppy shes an adult miniature yorkie called Ellie, my other dog is a mixed bred yorkie/?? called Sammie. In true WW style I brought her home and gave her a treat :giggle: well its another month till her next WI so she deserved a treat for her good weight loss :giggle:

It's for a show that involves fish. And tinned meat products. And flying cows.
I'll have to google this, cuz the flying cow and tinned meat has me flumoxed :giggle:

Yes - I've worked with a few famous people, they don't really keep themselves to themselves, we are all a team at work and just get on with it really, shows to be done and all.
Cool, this must be fantastic
Alaskan malamutes in the forest, and probably one gsdxrottie who thinks he is a mal, and possibly a few sibes. Should be fun.
I've not heard of the malamutes but I'm gonna google them too (yep I google everything)

The whole house thing is that for my 30th my present to myself is going to be a puppy-meaning that I have to be in a position to have one by then!

So - stable job, cat, house, possibly a rich man (but probably not the hoff) and a garden and a car.

So far I have the cat. Oh yeh and my new kitten, only have him since end of June is called Fuzzy (or Fuzzbutt in private) cuz hes got lovely long hair, hes four months old and just now I've caught him up on top of a four foot plus wall, so thats the end of his unsupervised trips out to the garden, cuz I don't want him out roaming unattended :eek:

What do normal people do in the evenings? I just want to eat :S

This is the famous conundrum which I have yet to come up with a suitable answer for.....CD = Weightloss, but it also equals a very restricted social life (well for me anyway cuz I've only a certain amount of willpower, so no point pushing my limit)

Hope you've stayed strong, I've been out shopping with my mam and sisters this afternoon, but its back to a nite on the sofa for me, again see above :giggle:
The whole house thing is that for my 30th my present to myself is going to be a puppy-meaning that I have to be in a position to have one by then!

So - stable job, cat, house, possibly a rich man (but probably not the hoff) and a garden and a car.

So far I have the cat.

What do normal people do in the evenings? I just want to eat :S

Shadaca - looks like we have similar goals for hitting 30. Not sure how soon that is for you but for moi it's April next year :eek: I don't look (even if I say so myself!) act or feel how I thought a 30 year old would so think times have changed as have societies expectations of that age..... but still would be nice to be financially independant so that when the time comes for Mr Right I'll be fairly self-sufficient and won't 'stay' for all the wrong reasons if you know what I mean.

I would love a dog for my 30th.... if this property thing kicks off then I'll get one for the 31st maybe :rolleyes:

Not sure what 'normal' people do of an evening but I'm betting the ones in relationships are 'busy' doing 'things' which also include eating. Food is such a big part of our lives so that's why this diet can be challenging... and yet so rewarding too.

I spend a lot more time online than I ever have 'researching' all manner of things. Like BBlilsis I'm a big googlewhacker. I even have a notebook I carry around to write things in to look up when I hear someone mention something on a bus or a friend recommends etc etc.

Been buying lots of books online, like property investment ones, chakra cleansing :)o), abraham hicks audio books. All sorts of weird sh^t really! Been attending property seminars as well. Been kayaking a few times.... have some wool and needles for a time when I am just all out of anything better to do!
Yeah it's kind of a good time at the mo, I'm really a bit stumped on areas but it ain't gonna be London that's for sure! Probably not for the first 5 or so. Won't be buying anything to live in as such till next year maybe.... gosh I sound like I'm rolling in it don't I ;) Just met some dynamic people and looking at some interesting options so will keep you all posted.

Wooo Hoooo I'm friends with a property developer......go for it love, i think its brilliant, hey PM me some tips, maybe I'll join ya.....(i wish)

Awww how sweet, I wish I could get a dog but just not in a position to just yet. We should make her our team mascot :p

Dog is God backwards, and whilst I ain't religious (I'm defo spiritual though) I still think thats pretty cool and fitting, dogs are the bestest friends ya can ever have.

Ellie would love to be the mascot, she feels she could show us a thing or two, only one slip in the whole month, better than meself, she says she'll carry the name with pride :giggle:

Shes asked to show her face, I've never uploaded a photo before so I hope this works :p


  • Ellie4.jpg
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Awww - Ellie is the cutest :) I've added her to my signature as the team mascot!

Night BBlilsis & Ellie, I think we're the only nutbags still awake!

Wow I gotta go find out how to add Ellie to my own signature :giggle: she is my little darling after all... :grouphugg:
Oops just remembered since she agreed to be the mascot she's all of ours :p
ERRRRRRRR OMG i just got some porridge from my cdc and ogg do i regret it. I was sooo looking forward to it and it nasty :( ive bought nine packs aswell which means im gunna have to go short with my packs or just eat the porridge and be sick lol
Wow, this is short notice :giggle: I just hope by sending ya :vibes: you'll stay strong while your away, we need every pound we can lose for next week, we're a great team, now its time to show that by getting to NUMBER ONE :bliss:

yeh hun it was short notice but needed to get away and do some thinking and friends lives in the middle of no where had a great few days and i did SS+ all the way wooohoo only thing i had a was a can or 2 of that caffiene free diet coke.
to be honest cud do with a few weeks there its so peacefull just to chill and sort my head out but had to get bk for work and stuff

so how everyones well
where is everyone today????

hope ur all having a fab day and being good lol as all ive done is catch up on stuff from when i was away lol
where is everyone today????

hope ur all having a fab day and being good lol as all ive done is catch up on stuff from when i was away lol

Hey DD - welcome back. That was a quick trip after-all! Sounds like a great little hide-away. It would be handy to have a place like that to spend the whole of time on CD at right ;).

As you can see from our signatures -we have new team mascot - Ellie the weight-loss queen (BBlilsis's doggy!) in 4 weeks shes lost 8.57% of her weight and only cheated once, so something we can all aspire to!