Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

yeh bb i will sort out stars too lol

mmm well i think i got ur shopping gene too then as i love love love to shop have a thing for handbags my uncle gave me £500 when i lost my first two stone when i started cd in march as a well done present and i went shopping and spent the whole lot to the horror of my ex on a mulberry handbag nothing else just that and i love love love that bag

when i was out shopping today i bumped into an old boyfriend we went out for two years before hubby and we lived together for a year well things didnt work out and we split up and to be honest everytime we see eachother i always thought he was flirting with me well he asked if i fancy a coffee and we chated for hours. we swapped number and didnt think he would get in touch and he has said he had a great time and do i fancy going out one night this week mmm what do i do HELP is it too soon??? should i go mmm just dont know what too do

I vote for going out for coffee with the guy, wheres the harm in that.

Afternoon coffee only mind :p a little flirtation does us all the world of good :p
I vote for going out for coffee with the guy, wheres the harm in that.

Afternoon coffee only mind :p a little flirtation does us all the world of good :p

i already did that today for three hours when we bumped into eachother but now hes wanting more ive told him all about ex and diet. he knows im not in that place and hes said he understands and y not the pics and he ll bring the water lol i know its too soon but god mmmm hes just lush sorry but had to say it someone because friends think im mad and if i tell folks theyll kill me
i already did that today for three hours when we bumped into eachother but now hes wanting more ive told him all about ex and diet. he knows im not in that place and hes said he understands and y not the pics and he ll bring the water lol i know its too soon but god mmmm hes just lush sorry but had to say it someone because friends think im mad and if i tell folks theyll kill me

F the friends its your life, i still vote for going with him, he sounds great. We only live once DD ya gotta grab life by the short and curlies sometimes :giggle: theoritically speaking you don't go grabbing him like that (just yet :giggle:)
F the friends its your life, i still vote for going with him, he sounds great. We only live once DD ya gotta grab life by the short and curlies sometimes :giggle: theoritically speaking you don't go grabbing him like that (just yet :giggle:)

BB thats the problem thats all i could think about when i saw him today where could we go for a quicky lol and if truth be told i dont know how good i could be just seeing him today made me think of all the good times mmm here i go again lol
BB thats the problem thats all i could think about when i saw him today where could we go for a quicky lol and if truth be told i dont know how good i could be just seeing him today made me think of all the good times mmm here i go again lol

Ok, well I still say go for it, jeez a quickie is sometimes the best medicine, are ya seeing a theme here, no matter what ya say, I'm still gonna vote YES YES YES, GO GO GO :p
He does sound yummy - maybe just friends for now, you could just go out to the cinema or something!
Ok, well I still say go for it, jeez a quickie is sometimes the best medicine, are ya seeing a theme here, no matter what ya say, I'm still gonna vote YES YES YES, GO GO GO :p

yeh well ur not the only one:D hes so nice and i dont know why we split up for hes everything i ever wanted :confused: and i dont think hes taking no for an answer so we going out tomorrow night mmmm what to wear mmmm
yeh well ur not the only one:D hes so nice and i dont know why we split up for hes everything i ever wanted :confused: and i dont think hes taking no for an answer so we going out tomorrow night mmmm what to wear mmmm

mmmm Something with not a lot of buttons ;)
Flipping heck, I've been gone for one day and so much has happened in that time:coffee:....

Firstly welcome:welcome: Saraian, I hope you know what you're doing joining us, we're crackers:silly:!!! You'll definitely get plenty of support from us lot, and most of us are on line every day, so you won't be left alone.

DD - Nice star hun!!! Well done chicklet what an achievement!!!!!!! :flowers:Oh and go for it with lush ex, why not, you only live once and you must've bumped into him for a reason...I think you should just take it slow and see what happens. Keep us posted!

Shadaca - what have you been slipping into your water:confused:? Have just read back through all the posts I missed, what's this about bumps and testicles??? You've completely lost me but I laughed til I cried:D.

Chalack - So sorry to hear about your break up hun:cry:, don't let it undo all your hard work though, we're always here if you need a chat or anything..

BB - well done for being so diplomatic and making a hard decision about the team. I'm too indecisive to do anything like that:worthy:.

Right now that I've finished catching up here's my news:

I've lost 6lbs :scale:this week woo hoo, so happy. The only thing different I've done to last week is increase my water:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:. I officially hate water:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:. It's boring!!! But it flushes all the nasties out so I'll keep glugging!!!

Oh and I picked up my shiny new car today, I love it sooooo much:D. Struggled to park it on the drive tonight mind, not used to having such a huge car:giggle:.

So this weeks official loss =
Last week: 183lbs
This week: 177lbs
Loss: 6lbs.:bliss:
I've lost 6lbs :scale:this week woo hoo, so happy. The only thing different I've done to last week is increase my water:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:. I officially hate water:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:. It's boring!!! But it flushes all the nasties out so I'll keep glugging!!!

Oh and I picked up my shiny new car today, I love it sooooo much:D. Struggled to park it on the drive tonight mind, not used to having such a huge car:giggle:.

So this weeks official loss =
Last week: 183lbs
This week: 177lbs
Loss: 6lbs.:bliss:

Wow weeee another great loss, you've inspired me to glug more water, I've been really glugging today in the hope of a scale drop tomorrow morn, cuz for some reason I'm maintaining this week, I did drop a lb but it came back this morn :cry:I'm blaming hormones cuz I know I'm being good diet wise.

Thats another 3.28% weight drop in one week, which is fabulous, DD won the overall score last week with that exact % so ya could be in for a few wins this week ;)

Cool news on the car too, I know exactly what ya mean about parking new cars till ya get used to the dimensions etc, but thats all part of the fun :p
I think it's def all the water:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:!!! It's the only thing I've done differently, I haven't even been to the gym:character00116:, so it's not that... Must be the excitement of getting my new car:giggle:.

I have a bit of a dilemma too. My friends are trying to fix me up with a nice guy we know. The trouble is I'm not sure.... they tell me to give him a chance, but I think he's too quiet and shy for me. He's a nice guy, but I'm just not sure if he's my type. But then I really struggle to make conversation with him because I'm scared I make a t*t of myself:ashamed0005: (I usually do). I hate being fixed up, I prefer things to happen of their own accord...prob why I'm still single hmmmmmmmmmm.
First of all wow wow wow on the 6lb loss surfhunny thats fantastic! Im upping my water until thurs weigh in as i have sts so far grrr!

Its been a few crazy pages worth of a read and has made me laugh a lot! you mad bunch, i feel i fit in quite well so far.

Well i am hoping for a nice day, got my lovely new phone on its way to me today so should have it when the postie gets here later. So god knows how many hours now of typing numbers into the damn thing!

Heres to a good day though for me, i want a few lbs off by thursday- bit gutting i have stayed the same so far!
Hey folks,

SH - that is amazing! Wow you! Saraian you will shift a few lbs, I'm sure ~ the science part says that it just can't stay!

Happy Tuesday! I've just got back from my weigh in and lost 4 and a half poundsies.

Which I'm well chuffed with as it was a day early aswell!

I have also bought a months worth ~ my bank account is licking it's wounds, but it is worth it not to worry while I'm on tour.

There was a nasty lady there aswell ~ i didn't like her ~ she had a go at me for being to fat and wearing size 18 jeans. I was gutted, but my cdc stuck up for me. Still I've been seething all the way home and deviated to a bottle of diet coke, which I know is bad but she was horrid to me.

I'm going to write a nice email now to thank her!

oh yes, I'm 2nd in miss gay uk now, so thankyou for the votes. I've broken the barrier to £100 so this is all good. :D
Who the hell called you fat? That is unreal, shadaca i am away to vote for you honey!!!

My shiny new phone arrived this morning, i love it its gorgeous, now waiting for it to activate then i can use it yay!

Not having a bad morning ladies so far, 5 pints down and a porridge down.xxxx
She was another client ~ which I'm surprised at, Yes I'm fat, that is fair enough, I'm here to loose weight, but to say that at what is meant to be a supportive environment is a bit mean.

She told me my trousers were falling down cos they are too small for me.

(Fail to see logic)

Thankyou for voting! tell all your mates!
If i had been that cdc i would have dropped her like hot potatoe!

What a awful thing for someone to say, ita absolutely disgusting! and from a fellow cdcer as well! *****!

As soon as new phone is activated shdaca i will be texting on your behalf!