Team Big & Dandy to Eye Candy!!

Just bumping this up for team 3 to see :D

It's ever so quiet,we must all be so busy during the working week!!
Good luck for your weigh in tomorrow Hoolie and mrs bee.
Fab news Hoolie,well done you. A great kick start for team 3! I have had a text from miss bee to say she has had her weigh in but will leave her to post her results. :D
How's everyone getting on this week?
yes good luck parkerela ;)

3 off for me this week! Will try and do better next week!!
Well done Hoolie, thats a great loss!
Well done Mrs Bee.

Parkerela has also done well this week

Go *Team 3*
Oy my, i tihnk i have a screw loose!!!!! I have spent all afternoon cooking for my other half,i cooked a lasagne,bolognese and a chicken broth all so it can be frozen and he can help himself during the week. Meals at the ready. I am so concious being on LT that i want him to eat properly and not just pick at any old crap. I must be mad! Anyone else find that they are having a cooking fest? The hardest part i find is not being able to taste for seasoning etc.. This probably sounds really silly considering the circumstances but i find it quite comforting cooking.
I cook loads now and realy enjoy it, my husband has a freezer full of sausage casserole, curry, chicken and bean cass etc etc, all healthy stuff! Also make him lots of soups too for his lunches! my cooking has improved, I think because I enjoy it now rather than having to do it!! Hate him eating cr*p now! He's lost weight too lol
I cook loads now and realy enjoy it, my husband has a freezer full of sausage casserole, curry, chicken and bean cass etc etc, all healthy stuff! Also make him lots of soups too for his lunches! my cooking has improved, I think because I enjoy it now rather than having to do it!! Hate him eating cr*p now! He's lost weight too lol

Good for you and well done mr bee for loosing too :D I need to fatten mr slinky up but he likes a horse and never puts weight on! I have always loved cooking i must admit,it's my portion sizes that get out of control!
Yes I also cook and freeze meals. curry's, stews, steak in ale sauce, roast dinners, bolognaise & anything that is going spare.

It helps as my partner works shifts so it's easy just to defrost something and he has a healthy homemade meal to take with him. And it also stops the waste as there is even more left now that I'm not eating.

I also find it really hard not to taste things to see if they need something adding.

I enjoy cooking more since being on LT.

Alex :)
Yes I also cook and freeze meals. curry's, stews, steak in ale sauce, roast dinners, bolognaise & anything that is going spare.

It helps as my partner works shifts so it's easy just to defrost something and he has a healthy homemade meal to take with him. And it also stops the waste as there is even more left now that I'm not eating.

I also find it really hard not to taste things to see if they need something adding.

I enjoy cooking more since being on LT.

Alex :)

Oooooooo,we have all become domestic godessess since LT :angel09:
yep,me too.its weird to enjoy cooking and not be able to eat it but it doesnt bother me one bit.i cant believe myself really.x

It's a great achievement parkerela,isn't it?! Well done us :8855:
Just to confirm,was it 4lb you lost this week hun? So we can add it to our team total.
hey slinks ur a fab team leader, well done!! x