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Rkmriddell said:Tee hee. I lost 11.4lbs!!!!!!!!! Soooooo much more than I expected I am so pleased x
Rkmriddell said:Tee hee. I lost 11.4lbs!!!!!!!!! Soooooo much more than I expected I am so pleased x
Rkmriddell said:Thanks girls am thrilled xxx
Rkmriddell said:Tee hee. I lost 11.4lbs!!!!!!!!! Soooooo much more than I expected I am so pleased x
Zest for Life said:You've done your update already
Way to go, you'll be at target in no time!
But don't you go leaving us when you get there! You haven't got that much to loose have you now, just a couple of stone to target? x
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therealbbe said:Whoohooooooo how amazing bloody brilliant sprinkling fairy dust really works heheheheh xxxxxx
therealbbe said:Awwwwww huni how amazing in such a short space of time that is just awesome whiohooooo well done againxxxxx
Zest for Life said:Registration I like that. Here miss
I've had the worst totm, I got fibroids and sure one day I'll bleed to death! Well my wi tomorrow will now be smaller numbers, i puff up like a baloon, even when I was slim I took water tabs, when it's totm. Something wrong with my hormones. But stay posative cos next week will be better. Anyway, moan over! I promise!
I've had an ok day, off work but back tomorrow, then getting hair done tomorrow afternoon, cut and dyed, ready for my friends wedding Friday. Will get nails done Thursday. Haven't got a clue what to wear yet?!!!
Good luck rkmriddell for your wix
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WillpowerWoman said:I am ridiculously stressed out (v bad work evening dealing with police incident and the paperwork aftermarth of it) the extreme stress has not made me feel hungry at least!!!! Argh still 20hrs at work till I can go home!!!
therealbbe said:I am on SS only but first week has prawns with small salad and tuna steak with green salad no dressing of course as had sons baptism but nothing this week and yesterday was arggggg at nephews birthday and his mum my sis in law made rice concoction that looked Devine and everyone had something and I didn't I said oooooo I on no carbs today can I take some home (hubby had it) hahahahah day 11 here and feeling good!!!
<puts hand up I am here been at uni all day>
harassed_mother said:I don't know what one I'm on I only have shakes but have to have 1 pint of skimmed milk a day cos my Bmi was so high but I'm almost done with day 12 and feeling good just making tea for kids and boyf then a soup for me I think
notlongnow said:I am on SS+ - as in 4 sachets a day - think I am allowed some milk but gone right off the taste of tea so dont have that. On 4 shakes per day as I am not sure I could last on just 3 - am a piglet even on CD!!
demonp said:Hi guys,sorry that always I've not been on for a few days-just been crazy busy. Firstly,well done with the great wi s. Everyone is doing so well. I have my second one tomorrow-nervous! Secondly, i need help please. Since starting this diet i have been really light headed,this 2nd week has been even worse. Just had to eat a boiled egg to see if it would help as i thought i was going to pass out on the school run. I know i have low blood pressure which can't be helping, but is anyone else feeling like this or have any suggestions? It is really starting to get to me. Didn't dare in to the gym this afternoon as it is always worst pm and didn't fancy fainting in there! Please help! Pip x
demonp said:Im definitely drinking loads of water so i don't think that is the prob. Will see my occupational health nurse tomorrow and see what she thinks. Trouble is i know she doesn't approve of the diet so will prob just tell of to stop and now I've got this far i don't want to. Have to admit-since having that egg i do feel less dizzy-scared its just my mind playing tricks on of trying to make me give up yet another diet!
jem021286 said:Hi girls! Arrrrggghhh! So wish I was at home. Got taken out for lunch today as office had power cut and had a tuna salad no mayo. Was just a small one so felt ok. But just about to go for dinner with my boss! Had a look at menu and planning on a chicken breast and going to ask for salad instead of potatoes/veg.
I had a shake in my hotel room this morning and went armed with a bar but had to go for lunch. The men I went with where all tucking into fish and chips that were massive and I'm chewing on a piece of lettuce.
Bought some water for my room to keep me on trackphoned my councillor who told me not to worry so much but enjoy myself, stay clear of carbs and just try my best as this in unavoidable as we knew I was going away.
Thing is I don't feel hungry at all!
Sorry for the rant hope you are all doing good xxx
Zest for Life said:Makes so much difference if you have a good teacher x
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notlongnow said:Me too - almost makes me feel I've lost some more just hearing about someone elses!!
Lainey123 said:Hi Ladies,
May I join your team?
My name is Elaine,I'm married with 2 beautiful kids,a 6 year old boy and a 3 year old girl.
I restarted ( again) last week after having a two week break for my sister in laws wedding/ Easter.I originally did SS 2 years ago and lost 3 stone but I never reached my goal weight of 10 stone( got to 10 St 4 and thought I'd be fine there!!)
So here I am back to SS and my last weigh in 2 weeks ago I was 11st 7lbs-I had a really bad day yesterday,picking at food that normally wouldn't bother me but something just clicked,grrr. I have been hovering on this site for ages and am hoping that by reading the fantastic weight losses and actually writing everything down here,it will keep me on track.
My weigh in is on Wednesday this week,fingers crossed.Good luck to everyone this week
Zest for Life said:Rkmriddell .... HURRY UPx
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