Team ideal

donnamarie said:
Good morning all.
Day 12 for me and feeling good.
Looking forward to my weigh in Wednesday.
I'm amazed how good I feel, I'm sleeping better too and have bags of energy!
Am loving this diet... Can't wait for our holiday Disneyland Paris in 12 weeks.
I am so positive that I can do this. :)
Hope your all ok and have a lovely Sunday :) xx

Love this post - I feel the same - full of joys of spring despite driving rain & gales outside!! Day 14 today for me - one day at a time!!
harassed_mother said:
Yes roast dinner for 4 and soup for me :) plus they get cake I get water lol but I don't mind a few months of this and then when I'm.healthy I can enjoy food again without getting overweight it will so be worth it

Exactly, it's worth a few months hardship to get what you want x enjoy your soup :)

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Rkmriddell said:
Only might??? Make sure you do lol.

What on earth did I miss on the main forum? Some post about attitude? Clearly living in my own bubble lol x

harassed_mother said:
Its the same here really windy and cold
Good morning my slimming by the hour friends day 18 I welcome thee and will again be 100% got me mum here today for dinner should be fun

Hope u all have a Fab slimming Sunday :)

Hope it all goes ok today with your mum, stay positive :)
Feeling good positive and strong today (day 11) weight in tomorrow morning :) have set some goals for after the holiday that in really pleased and focussed on, dividing my weight loss into small chunks with a fantastic goal (which doubles up as a reward) for the loss

They include

being able to do a red letter day flight experience (currently over weight limit) given to me years ago just been unable to do it.

Fitting into an amazing size 14 green dress that j love and have only worn once due to not fitting in it

Going to Alton Towers worry free (as have previously been to Thorpe park as a bigger size and to big to get on one of the rides. Haven't been to Alton towers for 10 years and so very excited about it.

Hope you all have great positive days everyone, despite the weather! Xxx :)
Random question but does anyone know if it's safe to go over 3 litres of water a day?? My CDC asked me not to as it could flood my system but I've been out since early and this hall is roasting hot and I'm on 2.5 litres already :O xx
Afternoon everyone. Not been on much as I stopped at my mums last night and her 3G signal is appalling! Had a bit of a bad time last night, think the stresses of the last few weeks caught up with me so I ended up having a drink and bad food :( Feel terrible now tho, not just very disappointed with myself, but physically ill. I'll definitely not be doing that again in a hurry. I feel really sick and don't even fancy any of my packs. Think its a good thing that I've got it out of my system tho and its totally put me off going down that road. Back on the wagon now, 100% forever from now on! Hope everyone else is having a good day xxx
Never mind I see it now lol

Morning team :) how are we all? Another busy day for me. Off to London in about 30 minutes to buy myself some cakey bits then home to pick up a new bike that I've reserved from halfords ready for our holidays :)

Am going to take a tetra with me along with plenty of water but save my second shake till I get home all being well. Gotta work out my order later as i have to get two weeks stuff this next week due to holidays. Am so exited. :) also looking forward to wi tomorrow :)

Hope you all have lovely Sundays whatever you're doin xxxx

Have a great day out :) xxx
Siobhan89 said:
Random question but does anyone know if it's safe to go over 3 litres of water a day?? My CDC asked me not to as it could flood my system but I've been out since early and this hall is roasting hot and I'm on 2.5 litres already :O xx

I regularly have more than three x
liripip said:
Afternoon everyone. Not been on much as I stopped at my mums last night and her 3G signal is appalling! Had a bit of a bad time last night, think the stresses of the last few weeks caught up with me so I ended up having a drink and bad food :( Feel terrible now tho, not just very disappointed with myself, but physically ill. I'll definitely not be doing that again in a hurry. I feel really sick and don't even fancy any of my packs. Think its a good thing that I've got it out of my system tho and its totally put me off going down that road. Back on the wagon now, 100% forever from now on! Hope everyone else is having a good day xxx

Don't be too disappointed least u know where u went wrong and u right back on track xx keep focused u can do it x
liripip said:
Afternoon everyone. Not been on much as I stopped at my mums last night and her 3G signal is appalling! Had a bit of a bad time last night, think the stresses of the last few weeks caught up with me so I ended up having a drink and bad food :( Feel terrible now tho, not just very disappointed with myself, but physically ill. I'll definitely not be doing that again in a hurry. I feel really sick and don't even fancy any of my packs. Think its a good thing that I've got it out of my system tho and its totally put me off going down that road. Back on the wagon now, 100% forever from now on! Hope everyone else is having a good day xxx

Oh hun. Big hugs. Remember this feelig though as to why it's not worth it. Welcome back to the wagon always room x
Exactly right. Mom said the same to me last week. I said to her if you liked the way your body looked overnight it all changed but you got on the scales and they hadn't moved would you be dissainted? For most of us on here I think this is a body confidence thing rather than ticking the right box on the bmi charts so to me you have a double celebration. Not only are you lighter but you FEEL and LOOK it too. A great result :) x

Your mums got a very good point there, I'll remember that one! :) xx
Afternoon all. Back on my way home now seen some awesome cakes and got myself a few bits. Must make more time for baking to justify it now lol. Had my banana tetra and catching up on yesterday's lack of water. Just waitin for a services now as surprise surprise I need a wee lol x
Don't be too disappointed least u know where u went wrong and u right back on track xx keep focused u can do it x

Thanks :) I'm glad I didn't hide it from everyone. I'm going to do this, last night was a stupid mistake and soooooo not worth it xxx
liripip said:
Thanks :) I'm glad I didn't hide it from everyone. I'm going to do this, last night was a stupid mistake and soooooo not worth it xxx

Hiding it wouldn't fix the problem babe so you owning up to yourself and everyone else is great. It's part of the journey x
Oh hun. Big hugs. Remember this feelig though as to why it's not worth it. Welcome back to the wagon always room x

Thanks hun :) Don't think I'll be forgetting this feeling for a long time. Just goes to show that junk food and alcohol are really not good for you at all, I can feel my body thinking "why have you put me through this?!" Weird thing is I used to do that to it on a regular basis - I was slowly killing myself. I've got to remember that I'm worth it (sorry for sounding like a cheesy advert lol) but sometimes I think I'm not. It's time to take charge and not let this happen again. My body is now a temple :) xxx
Good morning all.
Day 12 for me and feeling good.
Looking forward to my weigh in Wednesday.
I'm amazed how good I feel, I'm sleeping better too and have bags of energy!
Am loving this diet... Can't wait for our holiday Disneyland Paris in 12 weeks.
I am so positive that I can do this. :)
Hope your all ok and have a lovely Sunday :) xx

What a fantastic attitude to have hun :) Keep it up xxxx
liripip said:
Thanks hun :) Don't think I'll be forgetting this feeling for a long time. Just goes to show that junk food and alcohol are really not good for you at all, I can feel my body thinking "why have you put me through this?!" Weird thing is I used to do that to it on a regular basis - I was slowly killing myself. I've got to remember that I'm worth it (sorry for sounding like a cheesy advert lol) but sometimes I think I'm not. It's time to take charge and not let this happen again. My body is now a temple :) xxx

Its exactly true though and you are worth it. What we need to learn is that treats are occasional, we're never going to be 100% 100% of the time. But as long as we live life under the philosophy of eat to live and not live to eat we will be fine. The weight loss in many respects is the easy bit. The hard bit is what comes next x
Hi Thanks for inviting me. I start again tomorrow! My family & friends disapprove of me doing the CD, but I need to do SS or I can't manage.
I now have a 5 month old grandson & I do not want to be know as the FAT GRANNY when he starts to talk! His christening is in 2 weeks - can I lose enough to show a difference?
Siobhan89 said:
Random question but does anyone know if it's safe to go over 3 litres of water a day?? My CDC asked me not to as it could flood my system but I've been out since early and this hall is roasting hot and I'm on 2.5 litres already :O xx

I've been drinking over 4 litres if water since I started the diet and last time I checked i was still alive? Lol

If ure getting hot through heat or exercise then u need to drink more anyway to replace what u r losing through sweat