Team 3 Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - New start for 2011!

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 4lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 4lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
Re: Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - Fresh start for July!

Hello everyone!!

I hope you're all ok and having good losses!

Some of you may remember me from earlier this year (around June). I just wanted to apologise for abandoning the team :(

I fell of the wagon after such a short time of being back on it and felt like such an idiot and couldn't face the telling you all how rubbish I was, which I know is ridiculous!!

I haven't been to a meeting since august. I've obviously gained back some of the weight I lost and I feel like a total plum for letting myself fail again :(

I'm going back to ww on Sunday - I figure maybe the new plan will give me something to concentrate on and help me stick with it because it's still ww but a fresh start at the same time.

Anyway, sorry for the long boring post. I imagine the teams have all been restructured and it looks like lots of new people have joined so I figure I can't just join back in, but I thought, since I'm lurking and occasionally posting on the boards again, I should come and apologise for letting you all (and myself) down!

Hi Team. Sorry I haven't been around for a few weeks, I took my boys away for half term and abandonned the WW for the week, happily though I still lost 3lb, whatever I was eating I still pointed in my head which goes to show that WW is a life chage not a diet for me, even when I said I wouldn't point I was still doing it anyway. I weighed in on Monday which was the 1st but I counted it towards my October goal making my October loss 7lb (1lb more than I aimed for, woo)

So my first WI of November will be the 8th, which is also my birthday!! woohoo. Aiming for 6lb loss again this month!

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 4lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
Re: Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - Fresh start for July!

Yay :) I'm a member of team 3 again :)

I'm going back to ww tomorrow. My meeting is at 10am. I guess I'll be one of the first to start the new plan - it is being introduced to meetings from tomorrow, right? I don't want to have to wait til next week if the new plan isn't being introduced to meetings til Monday!!
I've been told to join Team 3!

My first weight in's on Monday morning! :)
welcome guys :D i have added your names to the list, so add your november / xmas goals..

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 4lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca -
hbb -
Re: Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - Fresh start for July!

I'm going to be realistic with my goals and go for 4lbs in Nov and 8lbs for my Xmas challenge. Hopefully I'll lose more, but Nov and Dec are such difficult months for me dietwise that I'll be lucky to lose anything at all!!!

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 4lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb -
I'm really pumped for it this time. Although really need to start exercising in tandem with dieting!

My goal for the end of November is to have lost 10lbs and by christmas to have lost 18lbs, maybe even pushing it up to 1 + 1/2 stone. I realise this is quite a lot. BUT i've done these things a few times and me being young and a man has seen the initial shift quite quickly.

Ben :)

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 4lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb - (Nov - 10lbs/0lbs lost) (Christmas - 21lbs/0lbs lost)
Ben i am jealous of you being male and being able to lose the weight that fast - good luck with it though :D you can do it! x

Becca, you can do it, just get your head in the right place - we can do it together :) x
Good luck everyone for this week x
Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 6lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb - (Nov - 10lbs/0lbs lost) (Christmas - 21lbs/0lbs lost)
Re: Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - Fresh start for July!

Well, I went to a meeting this morning. Signed up again and started fresh - it was the only meeting in my area that I hadn't been a member of yet!!

I was horrified when I got on the scales. I have gained back more than I thought I had. ProPoints looks good though and I'm just reading through everything before going shopping :)
Hey everyone, I've been told to join Team 3 so I'm currently waving at you all and saying hello :D
My big goal is to lose 10lbs in a month - got a party coming up and I want to look nice in my dress so its a drastic cut back month. Was working on losing 1.5 stone by Christmas so hopefully I'll be able to do that too. I've added myself to the list :)

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Oct - 8lbs, 4.5lbs lost / Xmas - 24lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 6lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb - (Nov - 10lbs/0lbs lost) (Christmas - 21lbs/0lbs lost)
Miss Mango - (November 10lbs - 0 lost) (Christmas 19lbs - 5lbs lost)
Hi guys - i stayed the same this week so nowhere NEAR my October goal! Never mind. I am happy that i got my stone and that i am continuing to loose. I am REALLY looking forward to this Pro Points plan. Can't wait to get stuck into it and hopefully lose some more!

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Nov - 8lbs, lost 0 / Xmas - 18lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 7lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 6lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb - (Nov - 10lbs/0lbs lost) (Christmas - 21lbs/0lbs lost)
Miss Mango - (November 10lbs - 0 lost) (Christmas 19lbs - 5lbs lost)
welcome Miss Mango - good luck Bex and Becca and everyone else.. we can do this in the run up to xmas! xxx
Good morning everyone. Well i've lost 1lb this week, I've been naughty again though so I really need to get back on it. Pleased with -1lb though great start to my birthday!! :)

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 3lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 7lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Nov - 8lbs, lost 0 / Xmas - 18lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 1lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 8lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 6lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb - (Nov - 10lbs/0lbs lost) (Christmas - 21lbs/0lbs lost)
Miss Mango - (November 10lbs - 0 lost) (Christmas 19lbs - 5lbs lost)
Well done Clareycakes, 1lb off is better than 1lb on :D
2lbs lost for me this week.

Blackwidow - (November - 6lbs, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 6.5lbs lost)
Bear 1982 - (Oct - 4lbs, 4.25lbs lost/ Xmas - 14lbs, 4.25lbs lost)
kdma - (November - 7lbs, 5lbs lost/ Christmas - 14lbs, 9lbs lost)
Shabba - (Oct - 7lbs, 6lbs lost / Chrimbo - 21lbs, 6lbs lost)
IreneH -
vanda -
Lainie10 - (Xmas - 18lbs, 3lbs lost)
Clarri - (November 8lbs - 0lbs lost, /Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
Sparkles - +0.5, sts
Purple_Rain -
Likklebex - (Nov - 8lbs, lost 0 / Xmas - 18lbs, 4.5lbs lost)
scottishjewel -(Oct - 7lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost)
swizzelstickfairy - (Oct - 6lbs, 5.5lbs lost / Xmas - 15.5lbs, 5.5lbs lost)
Clareycakes - (Nov - 6lbs, 1lbs lost / Xmas - 18lbs, 8lbs lost)
Rainyday - (Oct 8lbs) lost 4lbs 8ozs
Charjoelily (October - 8lbs, 6lbs lost/Xmas 20lbs, 6lbs lost
pbandchoc (Oct - 6lbs, 4lbs lost / Xmas - 14lbs, 4lbs lost
busybee9015 (Xmas - 20lbs, 6lbs lost)
missybct (Oct - 10lbs/6lbs lost) (Christmas - 25lbs/6lbs lost)
tentontessy - (Xmas - 14lbs, 0lbs lost)
slimbecca - (Nov - 4lb, 0lbs lost / Xmas - 8lbs, 0lbs lost)
hbb - (Nov - 10lbs/0lbs lost) (Christmas - 21lbs/0lbs lost)
Miss Mango - (November 10lbs - 0 lost) (Christmas 19lbs - 5lbs lost)
Well done kdma! :)
Re: Team Loser - "Winning by Losing" - Fresh start for July!

Hello all!!

Day 2 of propoints and I'm still on track!! Go me! Lol.

How's everyone else doing with the new plan? I'm a bit nervous about weigh in though. I just feel like I'm eating more and I've only used one of my 49 weekly points so far!! I feel so guilty!! It's going to take some getting used to, this plan!!