Miss Mango
Little Miss Wii Fit!
I'm thinking of actually joining WW after seeing the new system, it sounds great! Can you join and just do it online though? I don't really like weekly meetings etc which is why I'm not part of it atm.
Oh thanks. I looked on the site last night and saw the cost so might wait til after Christmas before I joinYes, you can join onlineI've tried doing it online but I need the meetings for motivation, I think. The online content is good though
Ive only gone and lost 6 and half LB
Bex, I am hoping to meet you with a lb tomorrow haha so i can get my half stone awardxxx
Thank you hunnie, I do hope I see some results by Friday otherwise I'll go potty.Sorry to hear you were unhappy with your weigh in result, Miss Mangomaybe next weeks weigh in will show all the hard work you've put in xx
I've got my first weigh in tomorrow morning! I've loved my first week on the propoints plan, but I feel like I've eaten so much!! I've only eaten 14 of my 49 weekly propoints allowance, and I've earned 17 activity points in the gym this week, but I still feel guilty for touching the weekly propoints allowance at all!!! Even though I know that's what they're there for!!
I'm nervous about getting on the scales as it hasn't felt like I've been on a diet this week at all and I'll be devastated if I don't lose something (anything!!)