Not much planned today and definitely not anything more fun than you unfortunately! Got to pick my mum up from hospital, she's been there visiting her best friend (like my second mum) all week because she scratched her arm (only about an inch or so long) a couple of weeks ago and it's somehow got infected with MRSA and has blistered up and spread from wrist to elbow and nearly the whole way around her arm. Antibiotics aren't working, they've tried them all, and the pharmacy at the hospital have had to actually make some super strong ones as a last resort but it's still growing so it looks like she's going to have to have the skin (basically most of her right forearm) removed and have a skin graft :-( so mums been visiting her every day and we went last night but it really worries me that jack will catch it so limiting the numbe of times we can visit, but my mums disabled so been picking her up from the hospital after visits and will be doing again tonight.
Can you tell me the magic pancake recipe and the scones recipe? I'd like to give them a try. I've got a banana pancake recipe I'm going to try today that's meant to be good. I know technically you're meant to sym bananas I'd you mash them
Up? But that's mainly because mashed/blended fruit means you eat more of it than
You normally would, and seeing as I will
Only be mashing up my usual daily banana I don't see why it should matter, so going to try them today and see how they are and if they're nice I'll post a pic
I got a lie in for once today as last night was bens turn to get up with jack and then he took him downstairs with him this morning to watch f1 qualifying so I got a nice lie in! Feel
So good for it!
Enjoy your gardening hunny, great body magic there!
