Thank you.
Aiming for 2 stone. I know its 4st challenge but not as long left now. Thanks x
I am over the moon....10lbs loss, taking me to 15stone 10lbs...
goodbye 16s...hell0 15s
Welcome back 1.5stone shiny
Hello 2stone shiny
and...I have smashed my Club 10 target!!!
what a fantastic start to saturday - even being woken by at 5am by Noah can't dampen my spirits!!!
Morning everyone! Thought I`d check-in quickly as I`m at work this morning, teaching at a local school, and thankfully one of the ladies I teach works here so has logged me on to one of the PCs. My 10:00 class haven`t turned up so I`ve got a sneaky 20 mins to catch-up with the world. (This keyboard is bizarre, there`s no apostrophe key?)
I`ve had a bit of a crap few days food-wise. I don`t think it`s affected my weight too badly actually but it`s not good. I`ve been on my own at home since Thursday and I end up feling a bit bored and lonely so I eat! It`s been worse not having the internet cos normally I`d come and talk to you guys. No phone line either to give people a ring and that. I have to say my (two) closest friends are absolute crap. One of them has disappeared into the ether since I started losing weight (possibly just a complete coincidence but you just don't know). I just find them so selfish. I always make the effort to see them but feel like if I didn't bother I'd not see them at all. I always go to them, they never come to me. They've got their partners and children and I know I'm (understandably) really low on their priority list, but I just don't think they even begin to fathom how much I depend on them for being able to go out and about. I feel like I do everything on my own. I'm a bit sick of me! I want to spend some time with other people that's not in a work setting and where the other people aren't my parents. Don't get me wrong, I get on really well with my parents but it's not the same. I'm an only child too and my closest cousin lives in bloody Chelmsford!!!
Got, I'm sorry for venting all this. I should really be saying to these people who i feel let-down by, but I wonder what's the point? I'm not important enough to them, they've shown they don't really care (they both forgot my birthday and only realised once people started putting messages on fb) but if I cut them off I'm leaving myself even more isolated than I already am.
I feel really frustrated. I know I'm not a horrible or vindictive person and I've got a huge amount to give to people. They just don't seem to want to take it. WTF is wrong with me?
Missing yous lots (can you tell, lol). I think I'll be fine once t'internet's back up and running.
donnajt said:I am over the moon....10lbs loss, taking me to 15stone 10lbs...
goodbye 16s...hell0 15s
Welcome back 1.5stone shiny
Hello 2stone shiny
and...I have smashed my Club 10 target!!!
what a fantastic start to saturday - even being woken by at 5am by Noah can't dampen my spirits!!!
Alycyn1980 said:Wow Donna that is a fantastic loss - you must be so happy. Keep up the good work and whatever you are doing as it is clearly working!!!
donnajt said:I am over the moon....10lbs loss, taking me to 15stone 10lbs...
goodbye 16s...hell0 15s
Welcome back 1.5stone shiny
Hello 2stone shiny
and...I have smashed my Club 10 target!!!
what a fantastic start to saturday - even being woken by at 5am by Noah can't dampen my spirits!!!
Umm can I remember what I wanted to post. Well done Donna amazing loss fab.Andrea hun If you want to talk or email just let me know and I'll send my details by PM or find me on FB I'll be logged on later for sure. safc fab loss too.
Alycyn same to you if you want to chat for real or on line.
And anyone I've missed sorry but multiquote is playing up ATM.![]()
Any time hun just holler.ThanksIts nice to know others out there care even if never met!! Mite take you up on the offer
Way to go Sammy that's fantastic!2lbs off!!only 1lb to my 2 stone award! 3 stone 6 pounds lost since I had jack
Thanks PP xxxUmm can I remember what I wanted to post. Well done Donna amazing loss fab.Andrea hun If you want to talk or email just let me know and I'll send my details by PM or find me on FB I'll be logged on later for sure. safc fab loss too.
Alycyn same to you if you want to chat for real or on line.
And anyone I've missed sorry but multiquote is playing up ATM.![]()
Good to hear you happier and well done on an amazing achievement on Sunday, glad you found it so easy!Thanks everyone for your support. I'm feeling a lot better today, think I was just down in the dumps on Saturday due to an amalgamation of things all coming to a head at once and my not dealing with it very well (by eating) just made things worse!
I did my bike ride yesterday so am feeling on top of the world today really. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be but I think the amount of training I did beforehand really helped to make it go without a hitch. Also, once I hit Consett (about halfway) I was really familiar with the route as I'd trained up there lots so it felt a lot easier. The first big climb out of Allenheads was quite a challenge and there's no time to get warmed up before you hit it but I kept going and didn't get off and walk which I was really chuffed with, even though I was gasping for breath at the top.
Right, going to stop chuntering on about it now. If you want to see some pics I've put them on my diary.
Well done on the the loss safc. Are you looking forward to our season finally getting started on Saturday? Feels like forever since I was at a league match, it's ludicrous really.
WAY TO GO Alycyn, hope you enjoyed your well deserved vimto!1.5 off 4 me & cheered me up a good bitHaving wee glass wine & watching Australian Masrerchef.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using MiniMins
Well done on the loss Alycyn.1.5 off 4 me & cheered me up a good bitHaving wee glass wine & watching Australian Masrerchef.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using MiniMins