Oh V4L well done on doing it in the first place and your poor aching body get some nice young man to give you a rub down

Ellen you will make friends again if you move especially with a little one there are lots of groups you can join and you will make new friends at your new SW group and don't forget us lot

I moved to the Midlands (kidderminster) when my boy was 18 months old (he's now 24 eek :O) but you got to get yourself out there xx
Well done Dextersmum grate lose

V4L don't you dare say sorry we all go there and by the sounds of it you did ok, your body just needs to catch up on your mixed up diet. Good luck with the brutal shred :bighug: xx
I am feeling my cloths get loser what a fab feeling, why can't they bottle that ay

Being lazy and not doing any exercise this week and totaly enjoying my time while DH is away. Sticking to plan and having some syn free treats. Here is a couple of recipies I have had over the weekend.
Lemon Pudding syn free
1 or 2 lemons or limes
2 eggs
3 or 4tbsp sweetener
Quark or 0% Greek yogurt
Squeeze the lemon into a bowl with the 2 eggs, sweetener and mix together, place bowl over a pan of boiling water and keep whisking to its a thick constituent (custard looking) take off heat, mix in 1 tbsp of quark or Greek yogurt to make it more creamer, serve into small bowls, eat warm or cold, you can change the lemon for lime or orange. And zing it up a bit more with a little grated rind.
Apple Betty
340g/12oz eating apples
57g/2oz sultanas(7 syns)
This are the only syns and the pud tastes great without them
8 eggs
42g artificial sweetner
2 tsp vanilla essence
250g/9oz vanilla Mullerlight yoghurt
pinch of cinnamon
1. Peel, core and slice the apples. Place into a flan dish and sprinkle on the sultanas.
These are the only syns in this recipe so I took them our simples.....
2. Beat the eggs with the artificial sweetener and vanilla essence. Add the Mullerlight yogurt and beat again.
3. Pour over the apples and sultanas (allowing the mixture to sink) and sprinkle with cinnamon. Cook in a moderate oven 190°C/Gas Mark 5 until set approximately
30 minutes.
Have a lovely day all and good luck to the Tuesday weigh-in xx