**TEAM TINSEL** 4 stone for Christmas

Hey, can i join plz?! Just started on minimins so dnt reli know if ive just joined by posting or not.... HELP!! lol

You are in. Just update your losses on here and Corky will stalk the posts and update as and when.

Hi Ellen - I keep one religiously - hubby lost 3lb - he was shocked when I got home from WI, he couldn't believe it either

Hmmm... Maybe you'll have a big loss next week. I don't know what to suggest... how is your water intake?
A 1lb loss for me this week, it wasn't an easy week for me, I got plenty of exercise but didn't stick to the eating plan very well. I think I will have to reaccess the total I can lose by Christmas, will let you know.
Well done on the loss. :D

Hi everyone well done on all the losses we are all doing great I am back and feeling much better helped with a 2lb loss this morning :0) funeral on Thursday going be hard but my mums coming to stay and am going cook her some lovely slimming world food 6 weeks today till I go on holiday need to keep on track :0)
Well done on your loss under teh circumstances it's amazing. Hope you get through next week OK.:D

Happy Friday all

Can't possibly go off plan today as I practically have no food! Lol I'm even having to do my shop tonight As I'm so low on food it's stupid - so when I got up after being awake since 5 to find the other half polished off the milk - my weetabix breakfast plan went out the window... Then when I forgot the little lunch I had thrown together and found other Half also ran off with the debit card I realised I'm well and truly screwed lol
I have a grapefruit which I found among my stash at work - other than that.... Well that's that!
Pair that with losing the key to get me into all the doors at work and I'm reach to go back to bed! Lol gonna finish early and get the shopping done and relax tonight! Might have to eat before I shop so i don't buy the whole store or die of starvation!

Sometimes life doesn't want me to be thin! Especially when it's cake day and KFC day at work and none shall be passing my lips even under these circumstances! Even if I could buy it lol
Happy shopping. Remember to pick up the debit card first though or it could get embarassing. :D

Sorry to hear about your food dilemma but you have such a fantastic attitude to it, love it!
Hope you have a great day!

Well Miles Chicken pox spots have finally started make an appearance so at least our house can get back to relative normality soon!
Hope normality will reign soon. :D


Managed to scrape another 1lb off this week. Life is conspiring against me a bit at the moment and it's been difficult to stick to plan at times. Emmey, I totally sympathise, been in a similar situation a couple of times this week. Trouble is, I chose not to eat anything rather than eat crap but ended up being so hungry by then end of the day I didn't have the meals I was planning and went for something quick, not necessarily bad but not as SW as I'd have liked. That led to feeling guilty/deprived which is really demotivating.

Got a couple more difficult weeks coming up, I'll be away from home a lot. Not going to put extra pressure on myself to stick to plan, hopefully I've learned enough so I can eat 'normally' and not gain weight. We'll see!

I'm still reading all your comments even if I'm not joining in much, you're all doing so well and I hope to be back and contributing more to the team losses very soon xx
Well done Sarah. It all counts and hope you manage your damage limitation for the next couple of weeks OK. :D

Kick my **** as much as you like but...

I lost a pathetic 1/2 lb - i am so fed up - i don't understand what i am doing wrong???
You should be pleased with any loss. At least it's going in the right direction.

Hey, can i join plz?! Just started on minimins so dnt reli know if ive just joined by posting or not.... HELP!! lol
Welcome to the nuthouse. Catherine. :D
Rain rain rain :cry: And everyone is goin on n on n on about the bloody football ahhhhh. Been such a boring day.

U all go much planned for weekend?

With the edinburgh darby this saturday everyone watching the footie so ill b in the gym on my own! Then helping inlaws with there new shed and gardening on sunday.
WELL DONE TO ALL OUR LOSERS! (I love saying that in this context :D) Good luck Friday evening weighers!!!

Kick my **** as much as you like but...

I lost a pathetic 1/2 lb - i am so fed up - i don't understand what i am doing wrong???

NO BUTT KICKING ALLOWED! you lost! sending these instead :bighug:a loss is a loss as Ellen said. Don't be sad. How have they been the last couple of weeks? Have you changed your routine...exercise...food....water intake?

Hey, can i join plz?! Just started on minimins so dnt reli know if ive just joined by posting or not.... HELP!! lol

HULLOOOOO! and welcome to the best group on MiniMins :D
WELL DONE TO ALL OUR LOSERS! (I love saying that in this context :D) Good luck Friday evening weighers!!!
NO BUTT KICKING ALLOWED! you lost! sending these instead :bighug:a loss is a loss as Ellen said. Don't be sad. How have they been the last couple of weeks? Have you changed your routine...exercise...food....water intake?

HULLOOOOO! and welcome to the best group on MiniMins :D

Thank you VFL, I just don't understand why the blubber isn't moving - its not like I don't have much to get rid of

It didn't help that I sat thru the Class with people saying "oh I only lost 1lb cos Poundland are selling packs of Wispa Bars 5 for £1, you can't just stop at one can you, they are too small" or "it was my friends cats birthday and it was rude not to eat the chicken wings, sausage rolls, cheese and pineapple, trifle and chocolate torte" ha ha ha ha .... NOT! I think I need to find another group, I was seething when I left..what a waste of £4.95

THE IMPORTANT THING IS....rather than run home and binge - I came through my front door, and vented my frustration by washed the floors, scrubbing the bathroom, put all the washing away and went into work for another waste-of-time meeting (on my day off!). Had a cup of tea with my sister and then settled down in peace with my beans on toast and watched The Good Wife..I haven't cheated, I didn't even have my celebratory packet of Salt & Vinegar crisps!

Welcome Catherine - VFL is right this is THE BESTEST GROUP for miles!
Thank you VFL, I just don't understand why the blubber isn't moving - its not like I don't have much to get rid of

It didn't help that I sat thru the Class with people saying "oh I only lost 1lb cos Poundland are selling packs of Wispa Bars 5 for £1, you can't just stop at one can you, they are too small" or "it was my friends cats birthday and it was rude not to eat the chicken wings, sausage rolls, cheese and pineapple, trifle and chocolate torte" ha ha ha ha .... NOT! I think I need to find another group, I was seething when I left..what a waste of £4.95

THE IMPORTANT THING IS....rather than run home and binge - I came through my front door, and vented my frustration by washed the floors, scrubbing the bathroom, put all the washing away and went into work for another waste-of-time meeting (on my day off!). Had a cup of tea with my sister and then settled down in peace with my beans on toast and watched The Good Wife..I haven't cheated, I didn't even have my celebratory packet of Salt & Vinegar crisps!

Welcome Catherine - VFL is right this is THE BESTEST GROUP for miles!

Urgh that class! what are people like? I know it's hard to break old habits but the consultant should be all over that kind of crap! Not surprised you are fed up and I agree, waste of money! For a positive add your cleaning to body magic (as I am sure you fill that in with going to class) and for not eating ''fed up crap'' give yourself another HUGE pat on the back. Looking at your stats it seems to be regular every other week a half pound loss. I wouldn't worry about it in a ''doing something wrong'' sense. The only thing I can suggest is to mix it up a bit with some exercise (presuming you aren't already but if you are try something different?) same with your menu's. Sorry I can't think of anything else other than the usual eat your syns, your HEX and stay on plan but you know all that already ;) Sorry you had a sh!t day. :flowers:
Thank you VFL, I just don't understand why the blubber isn't moving - its not like I don't have much to get rid of

It didn't help that I sat thru the Class with people saying "oh I only lost 1lb cos Poundland are selling packs of Wispa Bars 5 for £1, you can't just stop at one can you, they are too small" or "it was my friends cats birthday and it was rude not to eat the chicken wings, sausage rolls, cheese and pineapple, trifle and chocolate torte" ha ha ha ha .... NOT! I think I need to find another group, I was seething when I left..what a waste of £4.95

Oh, do you go to my group perchance? :8855: :8855:

Just last week I was so infuriated by exactly these kinds of comments going-on. Well, done on how you responded to it. I came away last week thinking, "some of those people at group are so clueless, I'm damned if I'm going to go down that route, it's embarassing" and it looks like you've done the same. :happy096:
Just watch, next week you'll get the loss you deserve (A can feel it in me watta).

I read somewhere (perhaps on this thread, maybe another, so sorry if repeating) that someone was told to always look at their weight-loss over a fortnight. Like this lady at group, last week she lost 4.5 lbs this week gained 0.5lb she was peed off this week and delighted last. But I bet if you'd asked her two weeks ago if she'd be happy with a 2lb loss for the next two weeks she'd've snapped your hand off. It's no different to what actually happened to her, she is now 4lbs lighter than she was two weeks ago.

Don't let the ******* get you down! :)

Edit: OMG they've censored bug ger. STREWTH! ;)
Afternoon all

Just a quick message to say corky can't get online ATM she had a go at the 30 day shred - fell over and can't get back up! :(

no not really! her Internet is playing up, she will be back when it's fixed to update stats etc in the mean time shout if anyone has any problems - good luck Saturday ladies! Have a nice weekend all!
Afternoon all

Just a quick message to say corky can't get online ATM she had a go at the 30 day shred - fell over and can't get back up! :(

no not really! her Internet is playing up, she will be back when it's fixed to update stats etc in the mean time shout if anyone has any problems - good luck Saturday ladies! Have a nice weekend all!
That has to come under the heading of spoiling a good story with the truth.

Hope the Saturday girls had good results. and good luck to the Sunday Tinselers. :D
I'm sitting here feeling really sorry for myself with a bag of frozen green beans under my left Achilles tendon. A few years ago I had an accident at work and ruptured it. I had a cast on then a vacoped (like a gladiator boot), intensive physio and I STUPIDLY forgot about it. They did tell me that I had a weakness in them both but I've just got on with my life as you do. This afternoon after my morning of exercise (see diary if you want to know what I did) I am now hobbling. The pain is awful and I am HOPING I haven't ruptured it again. I HOPE it's just been irritated, exacerbated by the upping of the exercise. Tomorrow morning will tell after it's been left for several hours. P!ssed off is not the word to describe my mood right now. :mad::cry:I have been doing so well with the exercise and now this. My plans for tomorrow are scuppered (wanted to do the same routine as today) regardless as I will have to ease up for a few days at least. Hubbs is even saying that I should stay off the bike. :( Send me good vibes please peeps. :vibes:
Morning everyone, I've just had a slimming world version of a fried breadfast, dry-fried 2 eggs, tomato, baked beans, ham, and HE slice of toast, feeling really full now.
Can I come and join pleeease? I haven't had my 1st wi yet but really want to lose 4 stone by Christmas so this thread is perfect! That would then leave me with a couple of stone to lose in the new year. Don't want to rush things and want it to be sustainable once I hit target so will think I will aim for 7lbs a month then thats 1 year- 6 stone gonnne! 1st wi is Thurs but Im so tempted to hop on the scales before then! I've just had a lovely breakfast of Fruit covered in mullerlight and 2 melted alpen bars on top (heb)- delish!
Morning all and big welcome Natterjack (brekkie sounds scrumptious)

VFL - hope your leg is better and not too much damage done - big hugs

Sorry haven't been around much but pleased to report a 2 lb loss - yay :)

Hope everyone is well and here's to another good week xxxx