Hi all my lovely tinseliers
I am approaching this update in a different way. I read through the posts I missed since Friday, many believe me and made notes so look out for your name :giggle:
Ellen - Glad the oven has spots now and the chickens arrived, no that's not right is it..... is this gonna work

SarahCroz - Well done that is a slab of butter better off then on ah xx
Donna - Deep breath this girl was busy over the weekend .....1/2lb is a bit small when you have been working hard I had one of those a couple of weeks ago but with your attitude and staying on plan you will see it coming off. What onion marmalade.....:gimi: which what how??? xx
Emmey - Poor Corkey
V4L - Poor you :character00264: All the best athletes get injured hope it's improving :vibes: xx
NatterJack :welcome2: Well done on resisting DH choc treats you have some :vibes: too xx
DextersMum - 2lbs great lose xx
Corky - Glad to see you are upright again

STS with a positive attitude will get you though go for it xx
Sammy - What a brill positive attitude

Sprinkles - Here's to a on plan week :vibes: xx
Lisa Marie - :wow: 3 7.5 that is great very jel xxx
Hope everyone got a mention.
I got drunk with my workmates and DD on Friday had half a pack of crisps and a 6" subway ( chicken salad and LF mayo) oh and a few richtea's with clover on

Had a fat head on Saturday morning but was straight back on plan.
Still looking to get 2lbs off this week :vibes: for me.....
Going to the gym tonight for the first time in over a week so that's gonna hurt.
Have a great week guys, good luck to Monday weigh-ins
Be seeing ya xxx