Just a quick post as I still don't have internet access at home only work
I gained 0.5lbs this week - happy with that as I thought it was more. Horrid star week that made me very bloated
Back on it now and only 1lb to my 4.5stone award
Hope everyone is doing ok

EASY - 4.5 stone award next week... here you come!
Lol sounds like a nice synful night! U no u ate it u no what u gotta do. I do the same. Wii is always fun... With wine! Lol nah i love kinect tho! Im hoping i get a early xmas! Love jaffas! Hope u enjoyed every bite! I didnt mean to go over syn yday but after bingo i could hear the fried pizza in chippy shouting "tina u won come have a treat im only £1.50" lmao! Really enjoyed it! I had a bad week last week but still lost a pound but i think with my 100% week and star week it kinda all balenced out. This week with my wee win im gonna push 2/3 gym sessions.
What u hoping to lose since u had a nice synful night?
I cant b 100% all the time. I no i cant but i do try n work around it. My 100% week was hard. Im findin it harder having kids at home all day everyday! They eat alll the time im fed up sayin "no u have a breakfast, fruit salad, extra banana and milk and a biscuit" between 8am and 12noon. Then aer lunch i say it all again till tea time!
Biddin on a nice new pair o gym shoes coz dozzy me put mine in the drier! They r so sore now! My poor toes! X
Tina - I don't even like jaffa cakes lol!
That cake looks amazing, what I could do with a sugary mr grey.....
Let me know about the fb page I'm on it so would be good to keep in touch.
Hope you've jumped back on the wagon, it's amazing what a change on routine can do isn't it! I'm giving you a firm kick up the buttocks from ere tho!

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Jo - I will make you a special cake soon I promise x
First day back at work for me today in 4 weeks can't believe It had been that long actually, I had a lovely welcome back tho which was nice I am very lucky to work with such lovely people. Only worked for 3 hours and I'm glad I come home early I was in agony by the time I got home but was nice to be back.
Had baked bean lasagna for dinner last night omg it was soooo nice I was kinda surprised, it will be a keeper. Has so far been another 100% week altho it is only Thursday

and one of the first things one of my (male,older) colleagues said this morning when I got in was "you've lost weight whilst your been off" so that put a smile on my face and made me feel like its all worth it.
Looking forward to steak, roasted swede, SW chips, broccoli, cauliflower and garlic mushrooms for tea.
Hope all is well x
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Oh Jo - so glad the men are making such lovely comments I bet the other women are dead jealous!!!
The baked bean lasagne is really good isn't it - I couldn't believe it when I first made it
I'm making a chicken, leek, mushroom, sweetcorn and cheese pie

) SW friendly and smells lovely! Made a rou with milk and flour and added philadelphia cheese to make the cheese sauce, lightly fried (frylight is a lifesaver!) the chicken, leeks and mushrooms with a bit of garlic and thyme then mixed with the cheese sauce and topped with mash and its now in the oven

) can't wait to try it, it smells lovely! x
Oh that sounds and smells good!
HI GUYS i would love to jion this team
Weigh in on a thursday
Lost 1.5stone so far so i think this team will do me loads off good
Please can i jion ????
Hi Kath - Welcome to Team Tinsel - this is a lovely lovely group - we are all nuts which helps lol! Well done on your loss so far, what a fab loss x

(That's 24.5 now Corky if you still need info to update stats) I can see my little fiddle getting closer to that double bar line, only 3lbs to go to initial target of being in the 9s. I have also been shopping this afternoon and bought two pairs of size 12 jeans

Still haven't decided on final target yet. I definitely want to lose a bit more but don't want it to be too low that it's impossible to maintain. Anyway, I haven't got there yet so not going to get ahead of myself. Know you girls will keep my feet on the ground.
Welcome Kath xx
It's really nice to have had some new members on board in the last few weeks as we have seemed a little depleted lately.
chuffedforyou.com!! you are legendary, size 12 jeans - amazing!
Thanks GUys will feel so great to be 4 stone lighter by christmas and 3 stone ligher after lol
Me too Kath x