So i've had an exhausting day but was excited to start it with a cheeky check and i'm 20st1. So close to the next bracket. I've had the maple cereal today (not keen), lemon smoothie and a lemon bar. I need more water. I was a bit bummed to see that i've only lost 8lb this month. It makes 34 total which sounds great so i'm sticking with that. Thats the same weight as my son !!! I'm not feeling any different yet and my clothes are uber stretchy so don't feel different but it must be showing somewhere. I had my hair done today (once a month treat) and I think my face is thinner. i've not been sleeping great so i'm going to have a very early night and catch up. Dreaming of the 19's !!! Only 8lb until my 3stone goal. It must start becoming noticeable soon surely? I guess if you've been so big it takes a lot before weight loss shows. have a great evening everyone