Tesco light choices Cumberland sausages & Home made rice pudding.


Full Member
Hi there I've come back to SW after 3 year absence and a 3 stone weight gain, but tying it from home. I still have a few bits in The fridge to use up before I do a proper shop. I want to try EE this time but a only getting my information on this from magazines and this fab site, so I'm unsure about the syn values on EE.

Can anyone help me with the above sausages on EE please. Also if I make rice pudding using HEXa milk and sweetener, would this be free on green and EE ?

advice GREATLY appreciated :D X
Syn values for anything on EE is whichever is lowest on red of green. So for eg the sausages you have are 1 on red and 3.5 on green, so it would take the red syn value :)

And the rice pudding i would say yes, cos thats how i'd do it. In theory it is free with a HEa
Thanks for that, really appreciate it. I also forgot to add ('or I didn't make myself clear more likely) that I need to know the syn value for the sausages, my books are a bit out of date and the Tesco lower fat range back then was listed as "healthy eating" not "light choices" as it is now, so I don't know what the current syn values are. They,re the 75% less fat ones.

i'm having them tonight anyway, lol X
Fab, ta for that. I had them anyway but counted them as 2 to be on the safe side. As low syn sausages go, they were pretty good :D X