Hi Cookie, thanks for that.
I feel a bit better after a few hours sleep. Today has been good so far. I've only had my strawberry Tetra, and I've had scrambled eggs for lunch. Only planning on having one more shake today, but not sure if I'll go for the choc mint, or banana, or if I'll go savoury. We'll see.
I haven't managed much water since I've woken up - probably only about a litre. However, I've still got a few hours to go.
Don't know what's changed, but I definitely feel more positive today. I am dreading seeing my CDC though. She's probably going to think that I'm wasting her time because of all my ups and downs. :sigh:
I'm getting a Ab trimmer later today so I'm looking forward to working out a bit tonight. Nothing too strenuous of course.
I've just done some shopping online. Feel it's better than going to the shops - less temptation. I've ordered some low fat vinagrette (sorry - not sure of spelling!

) and some nutmeg spice. See if it will help me stay on track.
I'm really loving this weather today and my little girl and I have spent some much-needed quality time together. Just waiting for OH to get home, as I haven't actually seen him properly for a few days (ships in the night springs to mind).
Anyway, I just want to say thanks so much for all your support. If it wasn't for all of you, I would've probably quit ages ago.
I have worked out some mini goals to keep me focused and I'm still trying to plan my CD shakes around my shifts.
My minigoals are::cross:
Get under 15st
Lose 14lbs in September
Lose 2st by Christmas
Lose 3st by my birthday in January
Thanks for reading and hope you all have a good day. :coffee: