Hi Miss-r, great to hear from you. The dragonboat racing went really well although it was absolutely freezing! Had a bit of a disasterous day diet-wise though. :cry: I packed the whole picnic in - sandwiches, etc for hubby and daughter, and I put my Cambridge products in a separate bag. Well, hubby packed "everything" in, or so he told me. When we got to the lake I went to have a look for my first shake and guess what!? he'd only gone and left the bag containing my shakes at home!!!!!!!:cry: I was soooo upset. My fault really - I shouldn't have trusted him to pack everything, but I was so busy sorting my little girl out, that I didn't have time to do everything. I stuck it out as long as possible, having coffee and loads of water, but I felt like fainting early afternoon and my hubby told me to stop this silliness and eat something, as I look as pale as a ghost. Well, I conceded and I ate a sandwich.

It didn't really help much though as I had a bad headache by this time and was absolutely freezing. Only got home at 7pm last night, had a choc tetra and went to have a nice warm bath.
So, I'm having to start over this morning to get myself back into ketosis. I'm sooo pee'd off with myself. Well, I've had my strawberry tetra. Going to do SS today, if I can, so going to have a soup for lunch about 2pm, I think and then my choc bar this evening.
Sorry to have digressed, miss-r. Anyway, yes the Becks Diet Solution is definitely very good. I recommend it.

I'm really looking forward to Warwick Castle. This time I definitely will pack my bag myself!

Have a good day, all. Gotta get on with having a quick tidy up in the house before I start potty-training my daughter. Have a good day. x