Well, I've had a really good day CD-wise today so far. I've had my strawberry shake this morning, apple and cinnemon porridge for lunch and my chewy choc bar cut up into 10 pieces alongside 3 cups of Rooibos tea and 2litres of water.
It's very quiet here on the boards today. Where is everyone?? Hope you're all ok?
I did almost turn to food this morning, I must admit. I came into work to find a really nasty email waiting for me.

As someone was off sick the other day, I thought I'd try and help out and cover a couple of things that needed doing. Well, apparently I did everything completely wrong and I wasted their time!!!! I was soooo upset this morning, but then I got angry:flamingmad: , and wrote a snotagram back saying that they can basically shove it where the sun don't shine, as I will not be putting myself out for them anymore.:soapbox: Right, getting off my soapbox now.
That made me feel much better. So, I have not eaten anything apart from my packs, even when the team were offering sweets and crisps around.
I've been invited to a BBQ tonight, which I'm a bit concerned about, if I'm honest. Luckily my friend knows I'm on CD, but there will be quite a few other people there that don't. Hope I stay strong. Going to take my strawberry tetra along, or have a small CD SS+ meal. Will see how it goes, anyway.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon.