Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Sounds like a brilliant day :) I can only see the first pic though, silly phone! I'm hoping they'll show up later, if not I'll have to pinch OH's new laptop for a look xx
Sounds like a lovely day all round! I've got my eye on some bits and pieces, I'm going to be optimistic and buy them in a size 12 :)
You're going to be a very fashionable lady on hols!
I dont get to dress up very often Owl lol i like to make an effort for my evening meal on holiday I just hope they still fit after eating all inclusive lol
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

I love getting glammed up especially on holiday when you've got a bit of a tan. Ooh I'm so jealous now!
Well either way you'll look way more glam than me! Think of us while you're lying on the beach! :p
oh it sounds like a lovely day out. :) I love a good shopping day. Adelle, the way I see it it is your turn to go tomorrow surely?!
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Well I'm sure you're right ladies and who am I to argue?! It'll be a struggle but if its my turn, it's my turn lol
What beautiful clothes! And also bathing costumes! What a shopping trip! Did you try them all on in the store???? that would kill me! I still can't face myself in swimming costumes...but I'm getting there! By the way I made a curry from the Asia book last night it was fantastic....Burmese Chicken and Coconut Kaukswe curry page 68....I added half a chilli....it was delicious!
Hi Leslyanne thank you, yes it was a lovely day. No I tried them on when I got home lol god forbid anyone should catch site of me in a changing room in Primani lol.

I wouldnt wear them to go swimming here but my reckoning is no one knows me abroad so I dont care haha. I only wear the tops to go to the pool or beach and then i usually go topless so I wont be wearing them long :D

Your Curry sounds fabulous I aim to work my way through quite a few of the meals hun. There are lots my son wont eat so will still end up making something different for him.

How are you? x
Lmao the people on the beach wont be able to see mine cos hers will be eclipsing them - haha ive lost loads of mine :cry: