Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Oh dear, I hope the lactulose works for him, its horrible to see them struggling. It doesn't seem to do the trick for all of them, be aware, it made Millie more constipated somehow, plus it was a dreadful struggle to get it into her. What a shame about your food.... not quite the same lukewarm but know you'd put Jackson first whatever it was. Hope he has a sleepy night and you aren't up too much in the night. xx

Last saturday was the first time we have seen real tears and heard him scream, the only way he would settle was over my shoulder. Apparently it's common in babies with his condition. It has worked cos he gave me a lovely present this morning lol

Hopefully he will sleep longer due to going to sleep later .. Fingers crossed x
Well little man slept from about 9 -6.30 however I didn't!! I was awake for 2 hours with indigestion grrr it had me in tears. I've a banging headache now oh joy.

Can't have a lazy Sunday as I'm taxi and taking Jackson home later it's a 35 min trip each way.

No idea on a food plan yet xx
Oh sorry to hear you are not well. Hope you feel better soon
Sorry I don't have a Diane sauce recipie but will keep a look out for you

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HEXA - 250mls ss milk
2 x 400g wholemeal bread

Brekki -
2 x Toast with lemoncurd

Dinner -
Large mushrooms baked with onions,tom and ham with beaten egg on top

Tea -
Bacon medallions, Mushrooms, tinned tomatoes, fried egg

Drinks -
Tea, pepsi max, hot choc

Snacks -
Banana, apple, rice pudd using HEXA milk (sprinkled with nutmeg and star anaise)

Syns -
Hot choc (2) Milk choc biscuits x 2 (7) Lemoncurd (2) marshmallows (2) Total 13


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Hex A - 40g RF mature cheddar
Hex B - 2 x wholemeal bread

Brekki - persimmon, grapes, pineapple, sb cake and a mullerlight

Dinner - jacket spud with tuna/mayo, lettuce cucumber and tomato

Tea - Spag Bol ( ex lean mince, mushrooms, onions, garlic, tomato puree) and pasta twists

Drinks - Pepsi Max, Ribena NAS, hot choc

Snacks - cheese n tom sarnie ( hexs)

Syns - sb cake (2.5) mayo(3) hot choc (2) marshmallows (2) total 9.5


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Evening hun, sorry you weren't feeling too good over the weekend but glad you are ok now. Hope Jackson is ok now as well.

Your food is looking fab! I love the look of those mushrooms yum! xx

Thanks lovely - Im 100% better than I was at the weekend. Jackson is fab thankyou

Im being really good with my food this week and being careful to measure (if needed) and write every little thing down, im determined to lose on Weds. xx
Evening Sheila, hope your well hun, your sounding really positive :), I hope you can pass some of those good vibes my way :p think I'm gonna need them for my next weigh in lol. Good luck for Wednesday I'm sure you'll see a fab results on the scales. Hope you have a brill week ahead !

Kay xx
Evening Sheila, hope your well hun, your sounding really positive :), I hope you can pass some of those good vibes my way :p think I'm gonna need them for my next weigh in lol. Good luck for Wednesday I'm sure you'll see a fab results on the scales. Hope you have a brill week ahead !

Kay xx

Thanks Kay hun - im good ta. Hope your well?
Im sure you will do fine with your new plan I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. xx
Short one tonight ladies - not feeling it tonight so gonna watch TV, have a bath and an early night I think.

HEXA -40g RF cheddar
HEXB - 2 x wholemeal bread

Brekki - Banana

Dinner (Carvery) - Beef,Turkey, carrots, green beans, mashed swede, mashed potato, gravy and a small amount of stuffing ( no idea on syns so saying 10) I did without a yorkie pudd :-(

Tea - Leftover Spag Bol ( Ex lean mince, mushrooms, onions, garlic, tomato puree) and pasta

Drinks - Ribena NAS, pepsi max, Tea, hot choc

Snacks - persimmon, grapes, pineapple, sb cake, mullerlight, cheese sarnie (hex's)

Syns - Dinner (10) Hot choc (2) sb cake (2.5) Dash of milk for tea (0.5) Total 15 - will do without my marshmallows tonight as used syns