Wow they are good bargains, I love the macs, but at 5ft 2ins it isn't something which I'd look good in, lol xx
You couldn't possibly turn down such good bargains, Sheila. It would just be wrong!!xx
Good evening ladies - short post
May not be around for a couple of days had some bad news earlier mil passed away suddenly today. Just thankful it was quick and she didn't suffer xx
Hi ladies hope your all well?
Docs is next Friday morning I tried to get earlier but there's no appts grr.
I just got in from work it's chill time yayyy x
Today's purchases
Ah Sheila - not been on Minis much - just read this - sorry to hear your sad news - I'm glad your MiL didn't suffer - take care of you xx
Hope you had your chill time and your headaches stayed away xx
Fab bargains - lovely things for Jackson - no wonder Andrea was pleased! Who's a clever Nana xx
Lol glad I wasn't the only party animal last night!Jackson was asleep by 6.45 so I did something to eat for me and hubby then we watched a film. He fell asleep on the sofa then I fell asleep on the chair lol x
Lol glad I wasn't the only party animal last night!
Lol I blame my age what's your excuse ;-) x
I don't know lol but my son told me I'm turning into an old woman! Just what I needed when I have started to notice all my wrinkles lol x
Lol kids what do they know eh!! X
Nothing because we know it all! Lol! X
Hey Sheila,
I hope your well hun. Sorry for being AWOL for so long, more about that on my diary. I wanted to thank you for such a lovely post you put on my diary recently. I read it and felt really touched. Your always so good to your friends even when you have so much going on around you. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. You are one person whose spirit I admire. You do so much for your family and friends and despite that your still able to focus on the plan. I have really messed up this time and gained lots of weight. I am hoping to make a restart with SW from next month and am taking a clean break and leaving my job. I hope to catch up on diaries over the next few weeks. I bet your little prince has grown much bigger by now, I will look out for any of his pics you may have posted, I hope he's doing well. I hope the rest of your family are doing well also, your sister and Andrea. I'll be needing some inspiration in the kitchen when I get back to SW, I will look out for your yummy food pics, love your meals :drool:. If my memory serves me right from last year, is your birthday and anniversary coming up soon ?
Kay xx