Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Thanks Fran I couldn't do it without the help of all you lovely ladies and gents on minis who spur me on. Xx
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Afternoon dizzy and Kathryn how are ya? Yes dizzy I am lol it's weird how a little piece of paper and a sticker make you feel. Xx
Hi Emma my day has been stressful lol but home now thank goodness. I had the head of Debt Management for DWP sitting with me today for an overview of my job that was nerve wracking lol. He was lovely though.
How was your day hun x
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Afternoon chick... hows things.. i bet you charmed the socks of him... hope the rest of ya evenin is less stressful xxx
Lol I have too Kathryn. Maltesers late last night just fell into my mouth. Hi Liz - well I didnt see his socks lol but I think I did ok. Lol me too Dizzy ill never grow up as you can tell my last weekends antics x
HEXA - 250mls ss milk
Fruit n Fibre

Brekkie -
The above with a banana

Dinner -
Ham, pease pudding, boiled egg, strawberries, kiwi, melon

Tea -
SW chips, Chicken Kiev, salad DSC_0271.JPG

Drinks -
Ribena NAS, pepsi max

Snacks -

Syns -
Kiev (12)
Last edited:
HEXA - 250mls ss milk
HEXB - Fruit n Fibre

Brekkie - The above with a banana

Dinner - Ham, pease pudding, boiled egg, strawberries, kiwi, melon

Tea - SW chips, Chicken Kiev, peas

Drinks - Ribena NAS, pepsi max

Snacks - None

Syns - Kiev (12)

Fab day hun.
Look out leads! X