Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Lol oh dont remind me hun. Ive got rose wine for on the bus and then vodka and diet coke tomorrow night no mixing drinks :D
Im just going to run a hot bath hun its aching like mad. Got my docs appt on Tues.

Thanks Lynne hun I think it will be a hoot lol x
Im off to have my bath now and iron my stuff then pack my little case :D its like going on holiday lol. Ill be back x
It was brill hun thanks we had a cracking time and such a laugh. My feet however tell another story im covered in blisters ouchhhhhhhhh to the point that my foot was actually bleeding yesterday afternoon and thats before we went on our BIG pub crawl lol
It was one of the girls who noticed lol she thought Id smudged my nail varnish. I think it was a combination of the heat and wearing heels which Im not used to now. Plus there was quite a bit of walking to do too.

SW went out of the window :( I darent even guesstimate how many syns I had -it would be a scary amount me thinks
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Aww your poor feet. Don't worry about syns, life's for living. You'll be back on it today/ tomorrow x
Oooh your feet sound painful! X