Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Hello Texty I hope all is well with you. I'm on nights so won't catch you later as its Eid and were double busy.
I've been inspired by you to try SE days so I had my first day yesterday and it was ok I think, if you get chance could you pop over to my diary and give the food a quick once over for me. I'm intending to do it the rest of the weekend as I'm working nights then late shifts before my weigh in on Monday. I don't think I could put the BF through it and if I see him eating his chippy tea tonight and then chilli beef pizza tomorrow I'd be quite a grumpy Cookie. Xx
Hi Cookie good luck with the SE hun I hope it gives you a good boost on your journey (well better than mine anyway lol). Im back on EE so will see the difference on Weds if any. Hope work goes ok for you and flies over :) xx
Hello.... How's your day been so far?? Xx

Hi hun - im home thank god lol my back is killing me. I was in tears at daughters last night with the pain is it locked whilst I was sitting watching the tv. Its the first time ive ever cried in front of my son in law I felt so embarrassed lol but it HURT haha.

Hows you? x
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Hi hun - im home thank god lol my back is killing me. I was in tears at daughters last night with the pain is it locked whilst I was sitting watching the tv. Its the first time ive ever cried in front of my son in law I felt so embarrassed lol but it HURT haha.

Hows you? x

Aww hun... No need to be embarrassed! If it hurts it hurts! :-( what's the latest on the docs and referral thing?? They really do need to get you sorted.. It's been going on for far too long now! (((hugs))) xxx
I got my letter today- ive got an appt on 9th Sept with a rheumatologist whatever they may do, possibly scans etc. Then its a case of wait again to see what happens.
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

That's pants... Well it's good that you've been referred but should have been months ago... Let us know how you get on... I need to make an appointment with my gp to be referred to the pain clinic... Although it's not been too bad recently.. Touch wood lol xx
Im still not convinced ill get an answer hun but at least the ball is rolling now. Make sure you go anyway it may be just a temporary thing that your feeling ok, its best to get it sorted x
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Noooo not at all lol... Although I'm not in pain all the time... Probably 70/30 xxx
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Don't feel embarrassed for crying, you must have been in loads of pain and its not nice hun. I hope you get sorted soon x
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Aw hun. Don't feel bad, you've been in pain for ages, it's bound to become too much as some point.

Sending hugs x
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Just dropping in to say hi :)
How you doing lovely? X
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Just read back a bit and I can so sympathise with back and tears thing..l was the same at the weekend - trying to put a blinking tent away.. Just couldn't do it :( (not sure the 4am bedtime helped..!) but finally the killers kicked in.. I kept crying in the tent where nobody could see me, awful!
Hope you're feeling better x
I need some stronger painkillers paracetamols dont work :-(

Ive got my hospital appt on 9th Sept so hopefully will get somewhere re pain after that