Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

How long in microwave?

I have a real sweet tooth, which is why I always have those dairy milk thins and freddos in, for when chocolate is the only thing that will do
Let's go fly a kite.... Up to the highest height.... Something like that lol xx

Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring, Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear, Oh let's gooooooooo fly a kite! :D:D You'd never guess I was (read this as still am!) a massive fan of Mary Poppins! :D xx
Well if I get the chance to have a go, I'm game. But for now lovelies its bedtime for me, the BF is up early for work whereas I'm not in up til 3pm so I won't see him for a few days bless him so its good night from him & good night from me! Night night xxx