Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Lol yes Dr. Hes done loads today, hes done all my washing, hes washed all the worktops down in the kitchen and mopped all the floors and hes done the garden - He can be a dear lol
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Aww that's lovely of him.... I bet kev's done nothing all day while I've been at work, I text him earlier saying don't forget to walk the dog and to hang the washing out, I bet it's sat smelling in the washer when I get in! Lol..... Where's that griddle?! :D
I'm with the mrs, forget the chores maybe just some gentle exercises & stretches in between resting or go for a nice walk, take your mind off the scales they will budge, they're just stubborn! But we can beat the scales we can!
Stretching for some reason makes me go all dizzy ( like ive been on the voddy all night lol). Might ask OH to go for a walk after tea for something to do
How's your back now, it's ages since I've had a bad back but nowhere near as bad as yours, I can't imagine the pain you're in xx
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Hi Lou - its pants innit lol

Bad pants!

Ere, you should not be cleaning things! Better to have a couple of rest days so hopefully you won't end up back where you were pre shopping trip!
'Ark at me, I can't talk - been mowing and raking today (duh!) , but I'll pay for it tomorrow! Good job kids go back, tomorrow!
Just don't do it!
Bad pants!

Ere, you should not be cleaning things! Better to have a couple of rest days so hopefully you won't end up back where you were pre shopping trip!
'Ark at me, I can't talk - been mowing and raking today (duh!) , but I'll pay for it tomorrow! Good job kids go back, tomorrow!
Just don't do it!

Lol ive not done it - it can wait until another day. If the codeine kicks in ill be buzzing lol
Started having a read of your blog.
Soz your in soooo much pain with your back.
Dunno bout you but sweet corn, chilli and cashew nuts ( not altogether by the way!!) help me in the toilet dept.

take care x
HEXA - 250mls ss milk ( still have some left may have a hot choc later)
2 M & S sub rolls

Brekkie -
This SB cake, grapes, strawberries and a Mullerlight Toffee yogurt DSC_0635.JPG

Dinner -
Leftover chicken tikka stir fry

Tea - This -
Thin cut pork loin steaks, on a bed of boiled rice, cucumber, cherry toms, beetroot, boiled egg, radishes, mushrooms, pointed pepper, and sweet n sour sauce DSC_0638.JPG

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max

Snacks -

Syns -
Sugar (1) Sweet n Sour Sauce (4)? Flora (1.5) SB cake (1.5) Total 8

And look at my Siamese Twins
DSC_0637.JPG lol
Started having a read of your blog.
Soz your in soooo much pain with your back.
Dunno bout you but sweet corn, chilli and cashew nuts ( not altogether by the way!!) help me in the toilet dept.

take care x

Hi kitty and welcome to my mad world lol - Thanks for the ideas but I dont like any of the above - well maybe a tiny bit chilli but not often x
Its aching really bad Michelle ive just taken a codeine so hopefully that will help. I hate taking them as they bung me up but needs must x

My mum used to put note under my pillow if the tooth fairy forgot to visit, perhaps you could leave a note in the bathroom for the PF & tell her you need extra fairy dust!!!!

hope the codeine start to work soon then you can enjoy your time off x
My mum used to put note under my pillow if the tooth fairy forgot to visit, perhaps you could leave a note in the bathroom for the PF & tell her you need extra fairy dust!!!!

hope the codeine start to work soon then you can enjoy your time off x

Lol good idea hun. Yeh I hope they kick in soon too thanks x