Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

HEXA - 250mls ss milk
Fruit n Fibre

Brekkie -
The above

Dinner -
Ham Salad ( Lean Ham, boiled egg, beetroot, cucumber, tomato, gherkins, silverskin onions, grated carrot, pease pudding, celery, cheddar)

Tea -
kebabs, rice, salad (cucumber,tomato,yellow pepper) balsamic glaze

Drinks -
Ribena NAS, Tea, Pepsi Max

Snacks -
Cherries, boiled egg, grapes, strawberries

Syns -
Balsamic glaze (2) Sugar (1) Cheddar (5) Total 8
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Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Food is yum! X
Me too, just had a hi fi light rocky road which was very nice though. In going to bed before I eat anything else.

Night night see you tomorrow xxx
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Lol! I'll let you off for now as I shall shortly be off to the land of nod. But be warned - the F word is banned and the griddle will be brandished to all those who dare use the word! Lol x