Still looking at a gain this week but trying to limit the damage - why do we do it!!!
HEXA - 250mls ss milk
HEXB - Fruit n Fibre
Brekkie - The above
Dinner - 2 x wholemeal bread, pease pudding, lean ham, boiled egg, tomato
Tea - SW chips seasoned with oxo garlic n herb powder, chicken breast with same seasoning, tomato, gherkins, pease pudding, red onion, mushrooms
Drinks - Tea, Pepsi Max, Ribena NAS
Snacks -Boiled egg, banana, strawberries, pineapple
Syns - 2x bread
(5) Sugar
(1) Salad Cream
(1) Total 7
I passed up this which I made for the boys I was drooling lol