Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam
Raining on and off here...
but I am I. Bed so it's not bothering me really! Lol
Urgh, rubbish day food wise.. Fine all day then got stupidly peckish, damn cold! Other than that I've muddled through life drawing with a pen on a stick and dipping the stick in ink to draw the naked lady! Where I normally don't enjoy life drawing this was much more fun as I think I relaxed!
Wi tomorrow and I am feeling bloated so we shall see
Raining on and off here...
Urgh, rubbish day food wise.. Fine all day then got stupidly peckish, damn cold! Other than that I've muddled through life drawing with a pen on a stick and dipping the stick in ink to draw the naked lady! Where I normally don't enjoy life drawing this was much more fun as I think I relaxed!
Wi tomorrow and I am feeling bloated so we shall see