Gold Member
HEXA - 40g Cathedral Lighter choices
HEXB - 35g Fruit n Fibre
Brekki - Fruit and Fibre crumbled into a vanilla mullerlight, grapes
Dinner - Leftover Chicken stirfry, pineapple, strawberries
Tea - Bacon medallions,Batchelors beef rice, pointed peppers, cucumber, cherry toms, gherkins, pease pudding, hex cheese (gorgeous for a throw together meal)
Drinks - Pepsi max, Ribena NAS
Snacks- Boiled Egg
Syns - NONE (yet) lol choccy later me thinks
HEXB - 35g Fruit n Fibre
Brekki - Fruit and Fibre crumbled into a vanilla mullerlight, grapes
Dinner - Leftover Chicken stirfry, pineapple, strawberries
Tea - Bacon medallions,Batchelors beef rice, pointed peppers, cucumber, cherry toms, gherkins, pease pudding, hex cheese (gorgeous for a throw together meal)

Drinks - Pepsi max, Ribena NAS
Snacks- Boiled Egg
Syns - NONE (yet) lol choccy later me thinks